Cleaning & Organizing Cleaning Cleaning How-Tos

How to Remove Stubborn Melted Plastic From Any Surface in Your Home

 A person using a toothbrush to scrub plastic off the bottom of a metal container.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Accidents happen, and if you find yourself with melted plastic on your stove, oven, or cookware, we promise it's easy to fix. High temperatures can quickly melt plastic found on a food storage container or plastic cutting board left too close to a stove burner.

Melted plastic can be a cause for concern—you wouldn't want to have a fire hazard on your hands. But don't worry—it's easy to remove plastic from common kitchen surfaces using the right methods and cleaners.

Below, learn how to remove melted plastic from glass stove tops, stove burners, ovens, countertops, and metal kitchen finishes like pots and pans or toaster ovens.

Before Getting Started

Be sure that your work area is well-ventilated and all appliances are unplugged or turned off.

How to Remove Melted Plastic From a Glass Stovetop

A person using a butterknife to scrap off melted plastic scraped from glass cooktop.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Ceramic glass stovetops remain hot after the heating elements have been turned off. If a plastic item comes in contact, turn on the kitchen hood to vent away fumes while the stovetop cools. Once it is safe to touch, use a dull kitchen knife or plastic scraper to remove as much of the melted plastic as possible.

To remove the final bits of plastic clinging to the glass, use a chemical-based cleaner to break the plastic bond with the glass and scrape the residue away. Try one of these products:

  • Using WD-40: Spray a light coating of WD-40 on the plastic. Let it sit for at least five minutes before you scrape away the plastic with a safety razor blade held at a 45-degree angle.
  • Cleaning with acetone or nail polish remover: Saturate the plastic residue with acetone-based nail polish remover, and allow it to work for five minutes before scraping.
  • Mixing a baking soda paste: Mix baking soda with a few drops of water to make a paste. Spread the paste on the plastic to act as a gentle abrasive to help scrub away the mess.
  • Using Goo Gone: Follow the label directions as you apply the cleaner to the plastic. Allow it to work for several minutes and then scrape the stovetop.

Cleaning Tip

No matter the method you use, your glass stovetop must be cleaned after the treatment to remove any residue that might burn the next time it is used.

Remove Melted Plastic From a Stovetop Burner

 A person using a butter knife to scrap off melted plastic on a burner.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Melted plastic can also make a mess on gas burners and electric coils. When it happens, open windows and turn on vent fans as quickly as possible to remove the fumes. If it happens while the burners are on high, immediately turn off the heating element.

Allow the element to cool completely and remove as much of the plastic as you can with a dull knife. Be sure to check for plastic in the drip pans under electric burners.

  • Warm the residue. To remove the remaining residue, turn the burner on the lowest setting—never over low to soften the plastic.
  • Scrape the warmed plastic. Use a wooden spatula, spoon, or chopstick to scrape away the plastic. As the plastic is transferred to the wooden utensil, use a paper towel to wipe the wooden tool.
  • Vent and burn off the residue. With the room well-vented, heat the burner to high to burn away any remaining plastic bits. The burner should be on high for no longer than two or three minutes.

Remove Melted Plastic From an Oven

A person using a yellow plastic scraper to remove melted glue.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Cleaning a puddle of melted plastic from the oven floor doesn't sound fun, but we're here to help. First, always allow the oven to cool completely before you begin.

To clean the metal oven racks, use an ice bag to harden the plastic then scrape it away with a plastic or metal scraper. You may need to repeat the cleaning recommendations several times before all the plastic is gone and thoroughly clean the oven.

  • Electric ovens with interior porcelain finishes: Once the oven is cool, remove the metal oven racks. Fill a plastic bag with ice, and place it on the melted plastic. The ice will make the plastic more brittle for easier removal. Use a safety razor blade scraper to chip away the plastic. Chill and chip until all of the plastic is gone.
  • Gas ovens: Turn off the gas. Remove the bottom oven panel using the two screws at the back of the panel. Protect your countertops with a cloth or newspaper, and place the panel on the counter so it lies flat. Place a bag of ice on the melted plastic. Allow time for the plastic to harden, then scrape it away with a razor blade scraper.
  • Ovens with continuous cleaning features: With the room well-vented, turn the oven to the lowest setting, and heat it for just a few minutes until the plastic is pliable enough to scrape away. Use only a wooden spoon, spatula, or chopstick to remove the plastic (metal utensils will harm the finish). Wipe the wooden utensil with paper towels between each scrape to prevent redepositing plastic.

Cleaning Tip

Do not use an oven's self-cleaning feature to remove melted plastic. It should be removed by hand and then it is safe to use the self-cleaning mode.

Remove Melted Plastic From Metal Finishes

 A person using a toothbrush to scrub plastic off the bottom of a metal container.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Whether the melted plastic is on a stainless steel toaster oven or a metal pan, follow these removal steps.

  • Freeze the plastic. If you can't put the item in the freezer for a few hours, place a bag of ice on the plastic to harden it.
  • Scrape off the plastic. Use a wooden or hard plastic scraper to pry off the hardened plastic. Work slowly so that you won't mar the metal finish. Refreeze if the plastic doesn't pop off easily.
  • Use baking soda. To remove the final bits of plastic, mix a paste of baking soda and water to create a gentle abrasive. Scrub the area with the paste and a sponge. For melted plastic on the interior of a pot or pan, add a few inches of water and a generous scoop of baking soda. Heat the water, and allow it to simmer for several minutes. Scour with a scrubbing brush when the water cools a bit.

Remove Melted Plastic From Countertops

A person using a yellow scraper to remove melted glue from a tabletop.

The Spruce / Sanja Kostic

Removing melted plastic from countertops is usually simple.

  • Harden the plastic. Place a bag of ice on the melted plastic.
  • Pop off the plastic. Use a wooden or hard plastic scraper to pop it off the surface.
  • Remove any traces of plastic. Make a baking soda and water paste and gently rub the area. Work in small circles to prevent scratches and then thoroughly clean the countertop.
  • What dissolves hard plastic? (acetone)

    Acetone will dissolve hard plastic. You may need several applications because acetone evaporates quickly.

  • Can you use a Magic Eraser on a glass cooktop?

    A Magic Eraser (melamine sponge) contains abrasive materials that can scratch the glass surface. Stick to more gentle cleaning methods, such as baking soda, or commercial glass cooktop cleaners.

  • Is it safe to use an oven after melting plastic in it?

    The oven should not be used due to the fumes created until the plastic has been removed. Once the plastic is gone, the oven is safe to use.

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  1. Can We Safely Burn Used Plastic Objects in a Domestic Fireplace? Massachussetts Institute of Technology School of Engineering.