How to Prevent Blisters on Your Feet

Blister prevention

Verywell / Emily Roberts

Blisters are a common complaint of walkers and runners. If you recently started walking or running, switched to a new running shoe, or have increased your workouts, you may find blisters on your feet.

A blister is a fluid-filled sac caused by friction (or heat from a burn). Walkers and runners dread them, but there are ways to prevent most foot blisters. You can eliminate sources of rubbing in your shoes, toughen and protect your skin, keep your feet cool and dry, and be alert for hot spots that will turn into blisters if not treated.

Blisters are small bubbles of skin filled with clear fluid that most commonly appear on areas where friction occurs, such as the toes, heel, ball of the foot, or sole.

What Causes Blisters?

Blisters result from friction and moisture on your feet as well as hands—one of the reasons baseball players why wear batting gloves. Friction between your skin and your sock, shoe, or insole can cause pockets of plasma-filled fluid to form when the top skin layers begin to separate. Moisture from sweat or rainy, soggy conditions makes the skin more likely to feel friction and develop blisters.

Shoes that don't fit properly (too loose or tight) can also cause friction, pinching, and irritation to the skin. Blisters occur due to friction where your toes, heels, and the sole of your feet rub against the shoe.

How to Prevent Blisters

You can prevent blisters on your feet by addressing the likely culprits. This starts with finding shoes, like the right pair of sneakers, and socks that fit well. There are also steps you can take to help toughen your feet and further protect and address trouble spots.

Choose Proper Footwear

Shoes are often the source of blisters. Regardless of whether you have regular walking shoes or motion-control shoes, you may get blisters. Everyone's feet are different shapes and sizes, and there is no single shoe that will be right for every foot. Finding the size and shape of shoes that work for you can help prevent blisters. For example, if you have a wide foot, you need running shoes for wide feet.

Get a shoe that fits well so your heel isn't slipping and your toes are not rubbing against the front of the shoe. You might consider wide toe box shoes to give your toes more space to spread out. Additionally, they will better accommodate insoles for running, if you need those.

Address Common Shoe Issues

Common issues that can lead to blisters include cramped shoes, feet sliding, and rough edges from seams and edges. It can also happen with any new shoe as your foot adjusts to them.

New shoes can give you a blister in their first few outings before your feet have grown accustomed to them. For example, if you take your new walking shoes out for a long walk, your feet may blister from friction.

Take it slow and only go on short walks or runs with new shoes, even if they are the same brand and model you have been wearing. Build up your mileage and speed in each pair of shoes. The same goes for new orthotics—ease into them.

Cramped shoes cause your toes to rub against the sides or end of shoes. This can even lead to blackened toenails or losing toenails after a long walk or run.

Your shoes should have a finger's width of space between the end of your toe and the end of your shoes to allow your feet to expand while exercising. Select shoes of the proper width for your foot so your toes have enough room. Shoes designed with a wide toe box, like Adidas Men's Supernova 2.0—one of the brand's best running shoes—are a good option.

Feet sliding occurs if your shoes are too loose and your feet slide forward and back within the shoe with each step, adding extra blister-causing friction. This is true for walking sandals as it is for closed shoes. You may also get a black toenail in this scenario.

You want your feet to have enough room to expand when you walk, but not enough to slide around. Wear a thicker sock to take a bit of extra space. Learn how to lace your shoes to keep your heel in the heel cup with each step rather than sliding forward. If you still have too much space, buy shoes that fit better.

Rough edges from seams and the edge of the insole can rub against your feet or toes. Change styles of shoes or insoles. Some shoes are designed to be seamless inside—consider that when shopping for men's or women's walking shoes. You can also try heat-molded insoles (available at some running stores) that cradle your feet. If you can't avoid rough spots, lubricate or cover the skin next to the rough edge.

Toughen Your Feet

A newbie is called a tenderfoot for good reason. Your soft feet will have fewer blisters when your skin gets a little tougher. Help your feet develop protective calluses instead of blisters by gradually building up your walking or running time. Calluses are toughened areas of skin that can develop over a blister-prone area.

You'll also want to keep calluses from drying out too much and developing painful cracks, so moisturize your feet after each bath or shower with good foot or hand cream.

Some marathoners and long-distance walkers toughen their feet with 10% tannic acid or a tea soak (tea contains tannins).

Wear the Right Socks

Forget cotton socks—stick with synthetics. Cotton retains sweat, which then softens your skin and leaves it more prone to breaking and blistering with friction.

  • Avoid seams that rub. Check where the sock seams are hitting your toes. Is that where you are getting blisters? Some running socks are specially designed to keep seams away from your feet. Tube socks are not recommended as your feet are not tube-shaped, and these socks won't fit properly—opt for form-fitting compression socks instead.
  • Change your socks en route. Many marathoners recommend changing your socks whenever your feet get wet due to rain, or at the halfway point of a marathon.
  • Get the right thickness. Experiment with the thickness of your socks. If your socks are so thick that your toes have no room in the shoe, you need bigger shoes or thinner socks. To ensure a correct fit when buying shoes, bring the socks you plan to wear for your workouts and activities.
  • Invest in good socks. Some athletic socks run $7 to $20 a pair, making it expensive to stock up. But good socks can last much longer than cheap ones and save you money in the long run. Buy cheap, buy twice.
  • Wear double layers. Double-layer socks can prevent blisters by reducing friction and wicking away moisture. Some double-layer socks, such as WrightSocks, even have a no-blister guarantee. You can also wear two pairs of socks, a common tactic for hikers. The inner sock or inner layer of the sock should be sweat-wicking fabric.
  • Wick away moisture. Synthetic socks made of acrylic, polypropylene, or CoolMax fabric wick moisture away from your feet, keeping them dry. These are available at sports stores. Some socks incorporate Teflon to prevent friction.

Lubricate Your Feet Often

Friction—the rubbing motion between the foot, sock, and shoe—creates heat and tearing forces, making skin prone to blisters. If you reduce the friction, you reduce the blisters. One way to reduce friction is by lubricating your feet so they slide rather than rub. Experiment with different products to find which ones work best.

Vaseline or petroleum jelly is an inexpensive lubricant often recommended for marathon runners and walkers. Note that it won't easily wash out of your socks, and it makes dirt cling to your socks. That can mean there is more grit in your shoe to irritate your foot, which could, in turn, cause more blisters.

A&D Ointment, used to prevent and treat diaper rash, is thicker than petroleum jelly and is another inexpensive way to lubricate your feet.

You can also try sports lubricants, such as Body Glide, RunGoo, Sportslick, or SportShield that may roll on like deodorant or come in a handy tube. They vary in formulas; some are petroleum-free and use plant waxes, liquid silicone, or powdered silicone. Use these products to prevent chafing in other areas as well.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Keeping your feet dry starts with wicking socks, but you can also use other strategies. A military study showed that using a special heavy-duty antiperspirant on your feet reduced blisters. While regular antiperspirant is less concentrated, some runners use it for the same purpose.

Or, sprinkle plain cornstarch (like you use in cooking) in your socks and shoes to help keep your feet dry. Re-apply it at least once in a long-distance event. Shoes engineered with mesh uppers, like Asics Women's Gel-Cumulus 24—one of the top Asics running shoes—are more breathable so your feet can stay cool and dry.

Cover Problem Spots

If you have a spot prone to blistering or have developed a hot spot, cover it to help protect it. Try sports tape, moleskin, gel bandages, paper tape, and special patches. In a pinch, you might even put duct tape to work.

The drawback of covering the area is that these bandages and pads often don't stay where you put them, especially as you continue walking or running. You may have to try various kinds to find the one that sticks best. As always, prevention is the best solution for a blister.

If you feel a hot spot developing while walking or running, it's best to stop and try to treat it. It's unlikely that it will get better if you keep going (and likely it will get worse).

If you carry a blister kit, place a bandage over the spot or create a protective doughnut around it. You can find take-along kits online or at sports stores. Or, make up your own with the coverups you prefer (such as gel bandages or moleskin), antiseptic wipes, athletic tape, small scissors, and a miniature container of lubricant.

Readjust your socks and shoes to eliminate places where your socks may have become bunched up. If your socks are damp, change to a dry pair. While it's best to end your walk or run when you get a hot spot, these tactics might keep a blister from developing if you keep going. If a blister has formed, cover it rather than drain it unless it is at risk of rupture.

We've tried, tested, and reviewed the best blister bandages. If you're building a blister kit, explore which bandages may be best for you.

Keep Your Calluses

Calluses are your body's way of preventing further damage to the skin. They are a natural protective reaction your skin has to increased friction. Do not pick them or file them off, as you'll be risking further blistering.

Wear Cushioned Insoles

Research shows cushioned insoles may reduce the risk of getting a blister by 25%. Cushioned insoles might make running more comfortable, so try them if you are blister-prone.

How to Treat Blisters on Feet

If you get a blister, treat it immediately, if possible, or as soon as you can after your training session. The best method of treatment depends on when you can treat a blister.

  • Stop and cover: If you need to continue your session (such as a race or competition, or a blister that develops far from home), it is wise to stop and cover the blister with a bandage to provide more protection. Keep supplies in your running belt.
  • Seek medical care: Some longer races have medical stations. Here you can get treatment for your blister to return to the race. If the blister is painful or at risk of bursting, it might be drained.
  • Let it be: The first choice for treating foot blisters after training is to let them be. The skin provides protection from infection. Small blisters may break and drain on their own, or reabsorb within a couple of days. Cover the area to protect it and keep it clean.

When to Pop a Blister

If you have a blister that is large or painful, you may need to drain it. Start by sterilizing a small needle with rubbing alcohol. Carefully poke the needle into the blister at the edge. Remove the needle and gently press on the blister to expel the fluid. Wash the area with soap and water. Don't try to remove the skin that blistered. It can protect the raw skin under it. You can also cover the area with a bandage.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Bacteria can sometimes enter through cracked skin from a blister. If you notice any redness, pus, or increased pain or swelling, see a healthcare provider as these can be signs of infection. If your blister isn't healing or you develop a fever, this can also be a sign it's infected and you should seek medical care.

If you have diabetes, you are more at risk of an infection in your feet, so take extra care and see your healthcare provider promptly if you have any signs of infection.

Bottom Line

Don't let blisters stop you in your tracks. Take the time before your long workouts to lubricate and protect your feet. Wear shoes and socks that will best help you stay blister-free. Monitor how your feet feel and don't ignore any signs of hot spots; carry blister supplies with you to treat them right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does a blister from running take to heal?

    How long a blister takes to heal depends on how big it is, where it is, and whether it has the opportunity to heal without being irritated. It could take days or even weeks, depending on the severity of the blister.

  • Does petroleum jelly help prevent blisters on feet?

    You can use petroleum jelly to help prevent blisters on your feet. Petroleum jelly is a lubricant that can reduce friction on the skin, which helps prevent blisters from forming.

  • Does covering your feet with duct tape prevent blisters?

    Duct tape is not recommended to prevent blisters. Instead, use products dedicated to blister prevention that will not damage your skin. These might include bandages, moleskin, lubricants, and powders (along with good socks and shoes).

11 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Scheer B, Reljic D, Murray A, Sources Costa R. The enemy of the feet: Blisters in ultraendurance runnersJ Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2014;104(5):473-8. doi:10.7547/0003-0538-104.5.473

  2. Janssen L, Allard N, ten Haaf, D, van Romburgh C, Eijsvogels T, Hopman M. First-aid treatment for friction blisters: "Walking into the right direction?"Clin J Sport Med. 2018;28(1):37-42. doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000424

  3. American Academy of Dermatology. How to prevent and treat blisters.

  4. Hoffman MD. Etiological foundation for practical strategies to prevent exercise-related foot blisters. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2016;15(5):330-5. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000297

  5. Caselli MA, Chen-Vitulli J. Foot blister prevention: What you can recommend to athletes. Podiatry Today. 2002;15(4):68-69.

  6. Worthing RM, Percy RL, Joslin JD. Prevention of friction blisters in outdoor pursuits: A systematic review. Wilderness Environ Med. 2017;28(2):139-149. doi:10.1016/j.wem.2017.03.007

  7. Brennan F. Treatment and prevention of foot friction blistersACSM Health Fitness J. 2013;17(6):45-6. doi:10.1249/FIT.0b013e3182a95110

  8. American Academy of Dermatology Association. How to prevent and treat blisters.

  9. American Academy of Dermatology Association. How to prevent and treat blisters

  10. Barwell N, Devers M, Kennon B, et al. Diabetic foot infection: Antibiotic therapy and good practice recommendationsIntl J Clin Pract. 2017;71(10). doi:10.1111/ijcp.13006

  11. University of Michigan Health. Preventing blisters.

Wendy Bumgardner

By Wendy Bumgardner
Wendy Bumgardner is a Verywell Fit writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.