Derrick Carpenter

Positive Psychology Coach


Psychology, Happiness


University of Pennsylvania



Derrick Carpenter is a former writer for Verywell Mind covering happiness. He is a positive psychology coach at Happify who helps individuals get more of what they want out of life. He's delivered resilience and leadership trainings to organizations including Fortune 500 corporations, top business schools, military leaders, professional sports teams, college and secondary school students and instructors, and non-profit organizations. He has researched learning, talent, and what makes people great in psychology labs at Harvard, Yale, and Penn.

About Happify
Launched publicly in October 2013, Happify is a New York City-based website and iPhone / Android app pioneering online emotional fitness by integrating the science of happiness into daily activities and games that help people build skills for a happier, more fulfilling life.

From coping better with stress to finding your calling, Happify's 4-week tracks are created in collaboration with some of the world's brightest research scientists and practitioners. The activities, meditations, and games offer a daily, simple and accessible way to boost emotional fitness, conquer negative thoughts, reduce stress/anxiety, build mindfulness, and improve relationships. Happify has been featured on The TODAY Show, ABC World News, The New York Times,, The New Yorker, and more.


Derrick holds a BS in Mathematics from MIT and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

About Verywell Mind

Verywell Mind, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning, trusted, and compassionate online resource that provides the guidance you need to improve your mental health and find balance. We take a human approach to health and wellness, and reach more than 150 million readers annually. Verywell Mind content is fact checked and reviewed by our Review Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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