Send your elementary school class over the moon with these space activities. Here is a list of space-related resources to help blast your students' imaginations into outer space:
Space Activities
- The Smithsonian Education site provides a general introduction to the universe.
- View the atmosphere through Google Earth.
- NASA offers teachers grades K-6 a variety of space-related activities.
- View astronomy photographs and browse interactive activities at the HubbleSite.
- View a space grocery list and have students create their own version.
- Learn how to construct a space station.
- Get active and learn how to train like an astronaut.
- Create a space shuttle scavenger hunt.
- Write a biography about a former astronomer.
- Research about extraterrestrial intelligence and have students debate whether other life forms even exist.
- Read the Top 10 Reasons for Going into Space and have students write a top 10 essay about what they learned about space.
- Learn about space-related events coming up on the space calendar.
- View the shuttle countdown site where you can learn how the countdown operated and read about launches during the shuttle era.
- Get a 3D look of the solar system.
- Build a model solar system.
- Create a timeline of space firsts.
- Build an air-powered bottle rocket.
- Build an edible space shuttle out of peanut butter, celery, and bread.
- Give an astronomy and/or space quiz.
- Watch NASA TV.
- Learn about NASA Acronyms.
- Read nonfiction space books about NASA space exploration, and the history.
- Browse pictures of animals in space.
- Watch age appropriate movies about space.
- Compare women astronauts with men astronauts.
- Learn how astronauts go to the bathroom in space (students will sure get a kick out of this one).
- Watch Apollo videos and have students create a KWL chart.
- Have students complete an activity book about space.
- Build a bubbled power rocket.
- Build a moon habitat.
- Make moon cookies.
- Launch a rocket from a spinning planet.
- Make asteroids students can eat.
- Place space toys and materials in your learning center for hands-on fun.
- Go on a field trip to a place like the US Space and Rocket Center.
- Write a letter to a space scientist asking him space-related questions.
- Compare Yuri Gagarin's space mission with that of Alan Shepard.
- View the first photograph from space.
- View a timeline of the first mission to space.
- View an interactive expedition of the first mission to space.
- View an interactive recreation of the Apollo space shuttle.
- Explore a journey into space with this Scholastic interactive game.
- View solar system trading cards.
- Make a comet with dry ice, garbage bags, hammer, gloves, ice-cream sticks, sand or dirt, ammonia, and corn syrup.
- Have students design and build their own spaceship.
- Print out this space quiz and test your students knowledge.
- Brainstorm what living on the moon would be like. Have students design and build their own colony.
- Find out when a spacecraft will be flying over your city.
- Find out what it took to have a man be able to walk on the moon.
- Learn about gravity and the fundamentalists of physics.
- A kids website dedicated to teaching students about the wonders of space.
Additional Space Resources
For further information on space choose a few of these kid-friendly websites to visit:
- Astronomy for Kids: Learn about the moon, planets, asteroids, and comets through interactive games and activities.
- Space Kids: View videos, experiments, projects, and more.
- NASA Kids Club: Space-related fun and games for kids.
- ESA Kids: Interactive site to learn about the universe and life in space.
- Cosmos 4 Kids: Astronomy basics and science of the stars.