The definition of a good marathon time depends on who you ask. If you've never run a marathon, it can be hard to gauge a solid finishing time.
Read on to learn average marathon times for elite and amateur runners, how to estimate your marathon time, and ways to improve it. The most important part of running 26.2 miles is making it your goal to finish the race, regardless of your finish time.
Good Marathon Times
For elite runners, a good marathon time is between 2:02 and 2:10 for men and 2:15 and 2:25 for women. But a good time for an elite runner is different from a good time for an amateur. For you, a good time might be anywhere from 3:00 to 5:00. How you compare and your goals will depend on typical marathon times for the course, your age group, and qualifying times for well-known marathons.
Average Marathon Times
The average marathon time around the world in 2019 was 4:32:49, according to RunRepeat's report on running data. To break average marathon times down further, in 2019 the average men's marathon time was 4:30:46, and the average women's marathon time was 4:56:39. Keep in mind this data covers thousands of marathon runners, but not elite runners.
Boston Qualifying Times
For many amateur runners, the Boston Marathon qualifying time (BQ) is the measure of a "good" marathon time. But only a small percentage of marathon runners achieve these times.
The BQ time standards can change from year to year. For the 2023 Boston Marathon, the qualifying time for men ages 18 to 34 was 3:00:00 or faster, and for women in that age group, it was 3:30:00 or faster. After that, additional time is given to older age groups.
To qualify, you must run a marathon that is one of the designated Boston Qualifier races within the qualifying time. Many runners select one of the marathons with the fastest courses to attempt to earn a BQ time.
Age-Graded Marathon Times
Your marathon performance depends on numerous factors, such as your level of experience, age, and gender. One way to put all marathon participants on a level playing field is by age-grading.
Age-graded results let you compare your race times to those of other runners in the race, as well as to the standard for your age and gender. You can use an age-grading calculator to figure out your age-graded race time to get a comparison of how your finishing time compares with others.
Times for a Specific Marathon
If you're curious about the range of typical finishing times in a specific marathon you're running, take a look at the race's previous results, which should be listed on the marathon's website. You can see the times of the age group winners, those who finished in the middle of the pack, and those who finished in the back of the pack.
Most races have cut-off times by which all participants are expected to finish; after these times, race support such as water stations and blocked traffic is typically not available. You can find these times on most marathon websites, too.
Factors Affecting Marathon Time
There are a host of factors that can play a role in a marathon finish time, including:
- Age: Runners between 30 and 50 years old typically have the best marathon times, averaging 4:24:00. Runners older than 70 tend to finish slower at 5:40:00 while people younger than 30 and between ages 50 and 60 finish around 4:33:00.
- Course: Whether the terrain is flat or hilly can impact your run time. Keep the landscape in mind when training to prepare effectively.
- Experience: If this is your first marathon, expect to take longer than more advanced runners. As you train for and run additional marathons, you can work toward beating your personal record (PR).
- Training: The amount of time you spend training and how hard you train directly impacts your finish time. Following a structured training plan is a good way to help you achieve your goal time.
- Weather: Even though you can't predict the weather in advance, you can gauge the general temperature and precipitation based on the season. If you will be running in Florida during the summer, expect there to be hot temperatures and humidity. If New York during winter is your plan, prepare for cold weather and a chance of snow or rain.
Estimating Your Marathon Time
Knowing your approximate finishing time can help you pace yourself throughout the marathon. You can use your finishing time for shorter distances to estimate your marathon race time. By knowing your time for other distances such as the mile, 5K, 10K, and half-marathon, you can determine if you are on track for your best marathon time.
To determine your average marathon time, use the calculator below. From the dropdown menu, choose "marathon" as your race, or enter 26.2 miles. Then, enter your typical pace per mile and click "calculate." This will compute your estimated finish time.
Calculate your potential finish time by hand by multiplying your average pace per mile by 26.2 miles. Then, divide the total number by 60 minutes to get your results in hours.
Your predicted finishing time may differ from your actual time for many reasons—but remember that any time is a good time, especially if it is your first marathon.
How to Improve Your Marathon Time
Simply finishing a marathon—completion time aside—is a good goal to have. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to run a fast time in your first marathon. Once you have a marathon under your belt, then it's fun to compete against yourself and try to beat your PR rather than worrying about what other runners are doing.
A marathon is a serious challenge, whether it's your first or your fiftieth. Your average marathon time should improve with experience and proper conditioning. If you're planning to run a marathon, here are some training schedules to choose from:
- Beginner Marathon Training Schedule: This schedule is designed for beginner runners who simply want to finish the marathon. You should have a running base of at least 15 miles a week to start this program.
- Run/Walk Marathon Training Schedule: This schedule is geared toward beginners who want to use a run/walk strategy for training and completing their marathon.
- Advanced Beginner Marathon Training Schedule: This 20-week marathon training schedule is geared toward advanced beginner runners who have completed a few marathons.
- Intermediate Marathon Training Schedule: This 18-week marathon training schedule is geared toward intermediate runners who are veteran racers and want to improve their finish times.
A Word From Verywell
As runner John Bingham said, "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." Even if you avoid rookie marathon mistakes and are fully prepared for race day, anything can happen throughout 26.2 miles. You might take home the trophy for your age group or be the last runner across the finish line. Either way, you are a marathoner and you are a winner. Wear your marathon medal with pride.