If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the last thing you want to do is eat something that will make your symptoms worse. Unfortunately, some foods have a reputation for being IBS trigger foods because of their effect on your digestive system.
But every person with IBS responds to food differently. Therefore, you might find that you can handle food that is not well tolerated by your friend who also has IBS.
This article looks at 11 common foods that may worsen IBS symptoms.
Greasy Food
Peeradon Warithkorasuth / Getty Images
The gastrocolic reflex is your body's natural response to have a bowel movement soon after eating. Food with a high fat content can increase the strength of these intestinal contractions.
If you have a sensitive digestive system, you should avoid fatty meats and fried food, such as:
- Pizza
- Sausage and bacon
- French fries
- Fried chicken or fish
- Foods with heavy sauce or creamy gravy
- Steaks and burgers (red meat)
- Ice cream and rich desserts
This doesn't mean you need to avoid fat altogether. In fact, foods with healthy fat, such as fish, nuts, and avocados, can be quite beneficial for your digestive and overall health.
Dairy Products
Many people have a condition known as lactose intolerance, where they can't digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Lactose intolerance can lead to digestive symptoms like bloating, cramping, and diarrhea.
Common dairy products include:
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt
- Ice cream
You may find that you can enjoy some cheeses that have low lactose levels. These include Brie, Camembert, mozzarella, and Parmesan. Some people are also able to enjoy lactose-free milk products.
High-FODMAP Fruits
Researchers at Monash University in Australia have tested various fruits for their FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) content. These short-chained carbohydrates include fructose, a sugar in fruit that some people have difficulty absorbing.
Foods higher in FODMAPs may cause problems for people who have IBS. That's because they contain types of sugars that are not absorbed well by the small intestine. The following fruits are high in FODMAPs:
- Apples
- Apricots
- Blackberries
- Cherries
- Grapefruit
- Mango
- Pears
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Plums and prunes
- Pomegranates
- Watermelon
Fortunately, some fruits are low-FODMAP foods, including bananas, blueberries, grapes, oranges, and kiwi.
Many people with IBS report that they have some difficulty with raw fruits. However, cooking fruits may make them easier for your system to handle.
High-FODMAP Vegetables
Like fruits, vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. However, some vegetables are also high in FODMAPs. Just like the FODMAP fruits, these vegetables contain types of sugars that are not absorbed well by the small intestine and may contribute to IBS symptoms:
- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Avocado
- Beets
- Brussels sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Mushrooms
- Okra
- Onions
- Peas
- Scallions (white parts)
- Shallots
- Snow peas
- Sugar snap peas
In addition to Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, other cruciferous vegetables can be gas-producing for some people (such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, radishes, and bok choy). You may need to limit these vegetables if you have IBS.
Don't avoid vegetables altogether, though. Vegetables are essential for your overall health and the health of your gut bacteria.
Gregoria Gregoriou Crowe fine art and creative photography / Getty Images
Although a diet high in fiber is important for overall health, certain high-fiber foods may cause problems for some people.
People with celiac disease cannot eat a protein called gluten. This protein is found in some whole grains like wheat, rye, and barley. It causes the body's immune system to attack the small intestine, which can damage the gut and lead to serious health problems.
Even if you don't have celiac disease, you may have difficulty eating foods made with gluten-containing grains. That could be because they contain fructans, a type of FODMAP that is bothersome for many people with IBS.
Gluten-containing foods include many popular items like pasta, bread, and baked goods. Fortunately, gluten-free options are fairly easy to find.
Beans and Legumes
You have probably learned the hard way that beans and IBS do not play nicely together. This is because beans and legumes contain carbohydrates that are poorly digested. Thus, they are available for gut bacteria to feed on, which often results in intestinal gas.
These foods may be likely to produce gas:
- Baked beans
- Black-eyed peas
- Butter beans
- Chickpeas
- Lentils
- Kidney beans
- Lima beans
- Soybeans
- Split peas
If you are a vegetarian, you may find that it is challenging to meet your protein needs without eating beans and legumes. Sometimes small amounts of well-rinsed, canned lentils or chickpeas are well tolerated by people with IBS.
Spicy Foods
Chili peppers are a common ingredient in spicy foods. They are usually the culprit that sets your mouth aflame.
A 2008 study found that people with IBS have a greater number of pain sensors that react to a substance in chili peppers. More recent studies confirm that spicy food may contribute to the abdominal pain seen in people with IBS.
Sugar Substitutes
Sharon Pruitt / Getty Images
There are two main types of sugar substitutes: artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. They taste sweet but don’t contain sugar. Some are created from chemicals (like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose) while others are made from natural substances like herbs (such as stevia).
Sugar alcohols are ingredients that typically end in "-ol" (such as sorbitol, erythritol, and xylitol) and are found in many sugar-free and diet foods. They are often poorly tolerated and may produce gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Research is investigating how artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes affect the gut microbiome. Although more research is needed, some experts believe certain sugar substitutes could change the gut microbiome in ways that increase IBS symptoms and therefore, should be avoided.
Be sure to read the labels of the following products carefully:
- Sugar-free gum and candies
- Sugar substitute packets
- Sugar-free ice cream
Table sugar, maple syrup, and stevia are sweeteners that you may tolerate better.
Although you may love your soda, it may not love you. Carbonated (fizzy) drinks can contribute to problems with intestinal gas and bloating.
The high amount of sugar in regular soda may add to an imbalance in your gut bacteria. This can lead to further gas. Diet soda is no better if your gut reacts negatively to artificial sweeteners.
Water, iced tea, or diluted cranberry juice are healthier options.
David Sanger / Getty Images
Don't overlook what you are drinking when you consider IBS triggers. For example, alcohol has a longstanding reputation as being a GI irritant.
Rum, in particular, is high in FODMAPs, and so are many mixers.
This doesn't mean you can't occasionally enjoy a drink. However, your safest bet is probably to stick to a small amount of red wine.
Seth Restaino / Getty Images
It may be hard to live without your morning cup of coffee, but caffeine is known to be an IBS trigger for some people. In a study of 330 people with IBS, the three most common symptoms reported with caffeine intake were dyspepsia (indigestion), pain, and loose stools.
If you are used to having caffeine, you may experience caffeine withdrawal for the first few days after you give up coffee. Gradually decreasing the caffeine content can ease these symptoms. It may be worth trying, though, to see if your IBS symptoms improve.
IBS is a condition that results in abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. Often, certain foods trigger IBS attacks. Learning which foods trigger your attacks can help you manage your IBS. You may find keeping a food diary helps you pinpoint which foods affect you.
Foods that are high in FODMAPs contain types of sugars that are poorly absorbed by the small intestine. These are found in certain beans, grains, fruits, and vegetables. In addition, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods are common IBS culprits.
A Word From Verywell
Living with IBS can seem overwhelming, given all the possible trigger foods and differing side effects for each individual. However, seeking guidance from a specialized dietitian can help you create a clear plan to manage your symptoms more efficiently. A healthcare provider specializing in IBS will have the expertise to provide a custom diet, like the FODMAP diet, and offer advice on how to identify and manage trigger foods. Don’t be afraid to seek help to find relief and regain control of your digestive health.