This workout involves pushing exercises targeting the quads, outer thighs, chest, shoulders, and triceps. Alternate this workout with the pull workout, which targets the butt, hamstrings, back, and biceps to target all the muscles of the body.
See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses or other conditions.
Equipment Needed
Various weighted dumbbells, an exercise ball.
How To
- Warm up with a few minutes of light cardio or by doing a warm-up set of each exercise with light weight.
- Perform each exercise for 1-3 sets, resting 30-60 seconds in between or do the workout in a circuit format, doing each exercise one after the other and repeating the circuit 1-3 times
- Remember to use enough weight that you can ONLY complete the desired reps.
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells over the shoulders or at your sides. Bend knees and lower into a squat as far as you can, keeping your chest tall and your core tight. Push through the heels and butt to stand and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Reverse Lunges
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Stand with feet together, weights in hand. Step back about 3 feet with the right foot and bend knees into a lunge. Push through the heels to lift back up, bringing the foot back to start. Repeat for number of reps and switch legs.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Advanced Leg Extensions on the Ball
Lie with the ball supporting the head and shoulders, hips lifted in a bridge position. Extend the right leg out until the knee is straight (keep it level with the left knee), lower and repeat for all reps before switching sides. For an easier version sit on a ball or chair.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps.
Repeat 1-3 times
Outer Thigh Leg Lift
Lie sideways on the ball with the torso supported and the bottom leg bent on the floor. Hold a light weight on the outer thigh of the top leg (optional) and lift the leg a few inches, keeping the hip, knee, and ankle aligned and facing forward.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat Exercise 1-3 times
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Get in pushup position (on knees or toes) and keep the abs in as you bend the elbows and lower towards the floor with the back flat. Push back up and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Chest Presses on the Ball
Lie on a ball or bench with the head and neck supported. Begin with the weights straight up over chest. Bend the elbows and lower arms no lower than shoulders, wrists straight. Lift back to start and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Overhead Press
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Sit on a ball or stand and begin by bringing the weights up next to ears, palms facing out. Contract the shoulders to push the weights straight up and slightly forward (you should see them out of the corner of your eye). Lower back down to shoulder level and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Front Raises
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Hold the weights in front of the thighs and lift the arms straight up to shoulder level, elbows slightly bent. Lower and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
Triceps Kickbacks
Stand with feet hip-width apart and tip forward from the hips, back flat and abs in until your torso is parallel to the floor (or higher if it hurts your back or your hamstrings are tight). Begin with elbows bent and pulled up to rib cage. Tighten the triceps and straighten the elbow, bringing weights up behind you. Lower and repeat.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times
One-Arm Triceps Pushups
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Lie down on the left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Reps/Sets/Duration: 12-16 reps
Repeat 1-3 times