How to Become More Mindful in Your Everyday Life

How to be more mindful
Verywell / Alex Dos Diaz

The practice of mindfulness—directing all of your attention and awareness to the present—can bring many benefits to your relationships and emotional and physical health. For example, practicing everyday mindfulness can:

  • Pull you out of the negative downward spiral caused by too much daily stress, too many bad moods, or the habit of rumination.
  • Help you make fewer errors when processing your experiences.
  • Help you put stressful events into perspective and build resilience so you're less overwhelmed by them in the future.

You can practice many mindfulness exercises regularly, but learning to be present in the moment is a way of life. With practice, you can learn to live a more mindful life that allows you to become more conscious of everything you're doing.

Many things compete for your attention, and the pressure to multitask can be stifling. Becoming intentionally mindful in your everyday life can help you live with greater purpose and more happiness in today's fast-paced world.

how to live mindfully
Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

Mindfulness As You're Eating

Whether you eat as you scroll through your phone or look to food for emotional comfort, mindless eating is common. And it can contribute to a host of problems, such as overeating and consuming too much sugar.

Pay keen attention to how you fuel your body. Be present with your food and resist the urge to multitask while you eat.

Pay attention to each bite that you're taking. Chew your food slowly and savor the taste.

Mindfulness in Your Interactions

Being mindful as you communicate and relate to others is important to both you and them. Mindfulness in a relationship is about observing and interacting without judgment.

So, rather than scrolling through your phone when you're with someone, give them your undivided attention. And instead of crafting your rebuttal while they're sharing their opinion, focus on what they're saying before responding.

You can become more mindful by paying attention to how you're feeling, listening carefully, and learning to respond to others more mindfully, rather than in anger.

Mindfulness in Your Daily Activities

Do you ever have trouble recalling whether you've washed your hair already when in the shower? Do you sometimes forget why you walked into a room? These are signs that your mind is full—but you aren't being mindful.

Fortunately, there are many opportunities to practice throughout the day: walking, gardening, even just eating chocolate. It amounts simply to doing things with a heightened sense of awareness

This means focusing on the present moment, tuning into physical sensations, being fully aware of everything you do, and letting go of thoughts of the future or anxiety over the past.

Take cleaning the house, for example. Start by viewing your work as a positive event—an exercise in self-understanding and stress relief, rather than simply as a chore. Then, as you clean, focus on what you are doing as you are doing it—and nothing else.

Feel the warm, soapy water on your hands as you wash dishes; experience the vibrations of the vacuum cleaner as you push it over the floor; enjoy the warmth of fresh-from-the-dryer laundry as you fold it; feel the freedom of letting go of unneeded objects as you put them in a box for donation.

Another opportunity to practice mindfulness in your everyday life is when you're listening to music. Really focus on the sound and vibration of each note, the feelings that the music stirs up within you, and other in-the-moment sensations.

Mindful Moment

Need a breather? Take this free 9-minute meditation for enjoying the little moments in your day—or choose from our guided meditation library to find another one that will help you feel your best.

Throughout your day, look for opportunities to be more mindful. Whether you're riding in the subway or you're taking a hot shower, try to be fully aware of what you're doing and what's happening around you.

When your mind wanders, congratulate yourself for noticing and gently bring your attention back to the current moment.

Pause to Be Mindful Throughout the Day

As you move from one activity to the next throughout the day, it can be tough to stay mindful. You can get back on track by pausing throughout the day to practice a few basic mindfulness exercises.

You might make it a habit to spend a few minutes being mindful at certain times of the day, like during meals or when you're getting the car. Or, you might schedule a time to practice meditation or yoga.

Mindful Moment

Need a breather? Take this free 8-minute meditation focused on mindfulness—or choose from our guided meditation library to find another one that will help you feel your best.

You can also make it a habit to practice becoming more aware by focusing on your breathing when you're upset or anxious. Breathing techniques can have a calming effect and help you stay grounded in the present moment.

Progressive muscle relaxation is another exercise you might practice throughout the day. Work on tensing and relaxing your muscles, one muscle group at a time. With practice, you'll learn to recognize when you're tensing up certain body parts.

A Word From Verywell

Mindfulness takes practice and effort. When you first start, your mind is likely to wander—but with practice and patience, it will get easier. Eventually, you'll recognize that you're living a more mindful life—and are on the path to enjoying benefits such as decreased stress, better mental health, better relationships, and greater overall happiness.

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By Elizabeth Scott, PhD
Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.