Identifying moles vs. skin cancer is not always easy. However, there are telltale signs that can help differentiate a benign (non-cancerous) skin lesion from potentially dangerous skin cancer.
Benign moles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors (e.g., pink moles, brown moles, flat moles, raised moles, etc.), but are usually round with smooth edges.
When checking for early signs of a potential melanoma it's helpful to use the ABCDE rule, which stands for:
- Asymmetry: An irregular shape
- Border: Ragged, notched, or blurred edges
- Color: Variations in color within the mole
- Diameter: Diameters over 6 millimeters
- Evolving: Changes in size, shape, color, or appearance
Illustration by Joules Garcia for Verywell Health
What Moles Look Like
This is an example of a normal mole. Note that it is almost perfectly round.
A mole is a benign melanocytic tumor, meaning a non-cancerous skin lesion that develops from pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.
Also known as nevus (singular) and nevi (plural), moles are not usually present at birth but begin to appear during childhood and the teen years. They can either develop on the top layer of skin (epidermis) or just under the skin (dermis).
What Melanoma Looks Like
Here is an example of melanoma. Melanoma differs in that the lesions are usually asymmetrical (lopsided).
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that also develops from pigment-producing melanocytes. The primary cause of melanoma is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds.
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer, affecting more than 230,000 people globally and causing over 50,000 deaths each year. In the United States, males are about 1.5 times more likely to get melanoma than females.
Reproduced with permission from © DermNet and © Waikato District Health 2023.
What Moles Look Like
Normal moles generally have well-defined borders along with uniform color. They can either be raised or flat (as pictured).
Despite variations in size or color, the vast majority of moles have smooth borders that are clearly separate from the surrounding skin. The color of the mole will typically be even rather than mottled.
What Melanoma Looks Like
This melanoma tumor has a border that is uneven, ragged, and notched. The color also appears to "bleed" around the edges.
An uneven, jagged border is one of the tell-tale signs of melanoma. By contrast, moles tend to have smoother, more even borders.
While about 20%-30% of melanomas develop in existing moles, 70%-80% arise on seemingly normal skin.
Reproduced with permission from © DermNet and © Waikato District Health 2023.
Moles vary in color. Some may be pink or flesh-colored, while others may be tan or brown (as pictured). Some can be small and freckle-like, while others may look like a Cindy Crawford-style beauty mark.
Moles are generally characterized by one or two shades of color. If you identify more or spot certain concerning colors (e.g., red, white, blue, or black) melanoma may be a concern.
Moles can change in color without becoming cancerous. For example, moles on the face will often start as brown but get lighter or darker with age. Moles can also raise or flatten (though they typically remain the same size).
What Melanoma Looks Like
In addition to asymmetry, uneven coloration is a hallmark of melanomas. The same lesion can have a range of colors, from tan, orange, and brown all the way to red, black, and blue.
Another clue that a person has melanoma is the so-called "ugly duckling sign."
By and large, the moles on a person's body will all look the same. However, if you step back and look at them in their entirety, there may be some that stand out as being different, either in terms of color, size, or shape.
These "ugly ducklings" may be an early sign of melanoma.
Reproduced with permission from © DermNet and © Waikato District Health 2023.
What Moles Look Like
Some moles may be bigger than others, but most are around 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter. On occasion, a mole may be up to 5 millimeters in diameter (1/5 inch), but this is rare.
Most moles never cause any problems, but, ironically, a person who has more than 50 has a higher risk of developing melanoma. These moles, called acquired moles, appear on the skin after birth (unlike congenital moles you are born with).
Most people have between 10 and 40 acquired moles on their body. Having a higher number warrants an annual check-up to examine parts of the body you cannot readily see, like your back and back of your neck.
What Melanoma Looks Like
Any mole over 6 millimeters (1/4 inch) in diameter should be looked at. Melanomas can be tiny, but most are larger than the size of a pea or pencil eraser.
The one pictured here is significantly larger.
In addition to the diameter of a lesion, the thickness of a lesion is also a red flag. With melanoma, the thicker the tumor, the poorer the outcome (prognosis).
Melanoma that is less than 1 millimeter thick has a low risk of spreading to other parts of the body. Melanoma thicker than 4 millimeters not only have a high risk of spreading (metastasizing) but also a high risk of returning (recurring) after treatment.
Reproduced with permission from © DermNet 2023.
What Moles Look Like
A mole really doesn't change if you have one. While some may get a bit darker as you age, they will usually remain the same color, size, and shape.
This includes dermal nevi (pictured) that match the skin color of the surrounding skin.
Any changes in the color, size, or shape of a mole should be investigated. This includes changes in texture, such as sudden flaking or scaliness.
What Melanoma Looks Like
Melanoma is characterized by change as cancer cells start to multiply and spread. Any change in the size, shape, color, or appearance of a mole is an immediate red flag that melanoma may be involved.
This includes changes like:
- The spread of pigment from the edge of a mole into the surrounding skin
- Redness or a new swelling beyond the border of the mole
- Change in sensation, such as itching, tenderness, or pain
- Change in the surface of a mole, including scaliness, oozing, or bleeding
- The appearance of a new lump or bump
The challenge, of course, is recognizing the changes. Unless you do a regular self-examination, you may not even notice a mole has changed unless it is bleeding or has caused a skin ulcer. This is especially true if you have lots of moles.
The Skin Cancer Foundation is among the organizations that endorse once-yearly skin exams.
Reproduced with permission from © DermNet and © Te Whatu Ora 2023.
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Understanding Dysplastic Nevi
There are atypical moles, also called dysplastic nevi. These are often larger, oddly shaped, oddly textured, and multi-colored but are not considered cancerous.
Cells from a dysplastic nevus don’t look completely normal under a microscope and may display some features resembling early-stage melanoma. However, these cells don’t have the features that make them cancerous. Dysplastic nevi rarely become cancerous.
Nevertheless, compared to ordinary moles, they have a higher risk of becoming cancerous, so it is important to have an irregular or changing mole checked by a dermatologist.
Moles and melanoma can be hard to tell apart. Dermatologists use a system called the ABCDE rule as a guideline for identifying cancerous lesions. ABCDE stands for asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving.
These signs can help spot skin cancer early when it is still highly treatable. In addition to doing regular self-exams at home, an annual, full-body checkup with a dermatologist is often recommended.