How to Prevent Brain Shrinkage With Age

It is possible to reduce age-related brain atrophy and shrinkage

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Just as the body gets older, so does the brain. One of the natural effects of aging is a shrinking brain. Some brain regions tend to shrink more than others, with age-related shrinkage in certain regions being more variable, differing from one person to the next.

Here we explore what happens when the brain shrinks, as well as factors that could contribute to this effect. We also share a few steps that, when taken, can help reduce a shrinking brain with age.

Effects of a Shrinking Brain

Brain shrinkage can play a role in age-related declines in cognitive abilities. As they get older, people may experience a reduction in their abilities related to:

Brain shrinkage is sometimes referred to as cerebral atrophy or brain atrophy. Atrophy refers to a loss of cells. When this loss occurs within the brain, it means a loss of neurons and their connectors.

A reduction in brain connectivity can lead to delirium, which is more common in elderly patients than their younger counterparts, even potentially progressing to dementia. Thus, finding ways to counteract this effect may help preserve cognitive function later in life.

Other aging-related brain changes can include:

  • Decreases in brain mass
  • Loss of connections between neurons
  • Changes in the neurotransmitter systems that communicate information in the brain and body

Brain Shrinkage Causes

What causes the brain to shrink or atrophy as we get older? There are a couple of factors to consider.

Low Fitness Levels

Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine found that people with poor physical fitness in their 40s have significantly lower brain volumes by the time they reach age 60. Experts consider this decrease in brain volume a sign of accelerated brain aging.

The study reviewed exercise data from more than 1,200 adults who were around the age of 40, all of whom were part of the larger Framingham Heart Study. When these participants were given MRI scans 20 years later, those who were less fit in midlife had much lower levels of brain tissue later on.

Other studies echo the findings that being physically fit early in life (around age 25) leads to better cognitive performance in middle age.

Vascular Damage

The researchers from Boston University also found that people with low fitness levels had a much higher rise in diastolic blood pressure after just a few minutes on a treadmill, even when moving at a slow pace. It was these people who were more likely to have reduced brain volume at age 60.

Fluctuations in blood pressure can damage small vessels in the brain that are vulnerable to such changes. Vascular damage in the brain can then contribute to structural changes and cognitive losses.

The researchers in this study were interested in looking at how these dramatic blood pressure changes could contribute to future brain structure changes. They found that those who had lower fitness levels in midlife did worse on cognitive tests at age 60 than those who had been fit during their 40s.

Additional Brain Shrinkage Causes

Other non-age-related causes of brain shrinkage include injury, certain diseases and disorders, and infections. Brain shrinkage can also be caused by alcohol use.

How to Prevent a Shrinking Brain With Age

While some causes of brain shrinkage may not be avoidable, there is evidence that certain lifestyle changes may help protect the brain from age-based declines.

Get Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can help protect the brain from shrinkage as people grow older. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that most people get a minimum of 150 minutes of heart rate-raising activity per week, along with a couple of days of some type of strength training. However, any amount of movement can help.

There are plenty of great reasons to get and stay physically fit. Aside from being protective against brain atrophy, regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive functioning. It's also good for one's physical health and provides mental health benefits as well.

Control Blood Pressure

Another way to protect against brain shrinkage is to control one's blood pressure to reduce the risk of vascular damage. Regular exercise can help with this. It's also beneficial to take the time to reduce stress, limit the amount of salt consumed, and strive to maintain a healthy weight.

Individuals who have trouble controlling their blood pressure on their own should speak with their healthcare provider. This provider may recommend medications to keep blood pressure at a healthier level for the body and brain.

Make Other Lifestyle Changes

In addition to exercise and blood pressure stabilization, there are a few other activities that research suggests may help reduce age-related brain declines. They include:

  • Avoiding or quitting smoking
  • Eating a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet
  • Engaging in challenging or brain-stimulating leisure activities like doing Sudoku or completing word puzzles
  • Limiting alcohol intake
  • Socializing with others


While people often don't start worrying about brain health until they are older, studies such as those mentioned above demonstrate that maintaining the brain's well-being needs to start when we are much younger. This means making good choices now.

Not all brain shrinkage is preventable, but getting regular exercise and controlling blood pressure may help. So too can other lifestyle changes, giving us several things we can do today to help protect against age-related brain atrophy tomorrow.

14 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Additional Reading
Kendra Cherry

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."