Witch Hazel for Topical Skin Care

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Witch hazel is a centuries-old natural remedy made from a plant called Hamamelis virginiana. Native American tribes applied it to the body to soothe skin problems or drank it as a tea to reduce inflammation and fever.

Inside the leaves, bark, and twigs are medicinal chemicals called tannins. Rubbing these chemicals on the skin can reduce swelling, bruising, and skin irritation as well as suppress bacterial pathogenesis (the ability of bacteria to develop and produce disease).

Witch hazel is one of the few plants the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved as an ingredient for over-the-counter medicines.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements the way it regulates prescription drugs. That means some supplement products may not contain what the label says. When choosing a supplement, look for independently tested products and consult a healthcare provider, registered dietitian nutritionist (RD or RDN), or pharmacist.

A woman applying witch hazel to her face with a cotton pad.

shironosov / Getty Images


Scientific research on the benefits of witch hazel is limited. Here's a look at what key studies have determined.


A small comparative study of plant extracts showed that witch hazel helps treat sunburn. However, its benefits were less significant than those of 1% hydrocortisone, a topical steroid. The study concluded that witch hazel effectively eases sunburn inflammation because it contains antioxidant polyphenols.

Polyphenols are readily available in fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, tea, or wine. Polyphenols protect against oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight.

More clinical trials are necessary to see if these results are replicated in a larger population.

Skin Conditions in Children

In one study, researchers tested witch hazel on minor childhood skin problems like diaper rash, itching, redness, and swelling. One group was treated with dexpanthenol, an ingredient in many moisturizers, while another was treated with witch hazel ointment.

Doctors and parents rated how well each product worked. The study found that children tolerated both treatments well and that both were very effective: 99% of the doctors and 97% of the parents rated witch hazel "excellent" or "good."

Additionally, a 2023 survey of 217 pediatricians found that the most preferred topical treatments for children with diaper rash were zinc oxide, panthenol/dexpanthenol, and witch hazel extract.

Sensitive Scalp

A study of 1,373 people showed that a combination of witch hazel-based shampoo and toner called Erol Energy was well tolerated. It produced improvement in the scalp irritation associated with conditions like red scalp and scalp burnout.

Red scalp is a persistent redness of the scalp that exposure to sunlight may aggravate. Scalp burnout is a condition of scalp sensitivity coinciding with emotional exhaustion.

Researchers noted that the shampoo also soothed irritated scalps in people who applied topical Rogaine (minoxidil) for hair loss.

Additional Uses

In addition to the skin benefits listed above, some use witch hazel to treat:

Though anecdotal evidence abounds, there is limited data supporting witch hazel for these conditions. More robust research is necessary to prove its effectiveness.

Some beauty experts suggest using witch hazel as an inexpensive way to reduce under-eye puffiness. Many cosmetic companies use witch hazel to make beauty aids like facial toners and wipes, acne treatments, shampoos, and aftershave.

The FDA has only approved witch hazel for topical use (application to skin). However, some claim that drinking teas made with the bark and leaves can cure diarrhea, dysentery, symptoms such as coughing or vomiting blood, and even cancer.

No studies verify these claims or confirm that witch hazel is safe to ingest.

Side Effects

Healthcare providers generally consider skin application of witch hazel safe, because studies show that allergic reactions are rare.

In a study of topical witch hazel for minor skin irritations in children, for instance, only two children out of 231 experienced side effects. These side effects were skin redness and a burning sensation.

Side effects from a witch hazel cream delivered into the vagina to decrease dryness were mild, including diarrhea and an increased urge to urinate.

Severe side effects are unlikely when witch hazel is applied topically. If taken by mouth (especially in large doses), the tannins in witch hazel may cause stomach irritation. Compounds in witch hazel, such as safrole and phenol, have been linked to liver and kidney damage.

It's safest to only apply witch hazel on the skin.


Witch hazel has been studied in clinical trials at the following doses:

  • 10% topical cream studied for sunburns
  • Vaginal cream applied once a day for seven days for vaginal dryness

The FDA has approved all strengths of witch hazel products used as skin protectants, and concentrations of 10–50% in products used as rectal astringents (to treat hemorrhoids and other irritations). Products may be applied externally as often as needed for up to seven days.

Some products may contain alcohol, which can dry and irritate skin. Even alcohol-free witch hazel products can be irritating if used too much. It's a good idea to watch how your skin reacts; while some people can apply witch hazel several times per day, others can use it only occasionally.

There have been no reports of witch hazel toxicity in humans. Studies in rat models also showed no toxic effects when the animals were given 100 milligrams per kilogram per day (mg/kg/d) of witch hazel for 90 days.


Witch hazel is likely safe when administered topically. However, take extra precautions when applying products containing it if you are:

  • Allergic to plants in the Compositae family, such as chamomile or yarrow. A study showed that one out of every 12 people allergic to chamomile was also sensitive to witch hazel.
  • Pregnant or nursing. Safety data are lacking, so discuss applying witch hazel with your healthcare provider first.


People have applied witch hazel for centuries to soothe minor skin problems like bug bites, diaper rash, and hemorrhoids. The remedy comes from a North American shrub. The plant contains chemicals that ease redness, itching, and inflammation.

Witch hazel is one of the few plants that meet the FDA's standards for safety and effectiveness. The FDA has only approved it for topical use on the skin. Swallowing witch hazel can cause nausea, vomiting, and liver damage.

Contact your healthcare provider or ask a pharmacist about applying witch hazel for specific symptoms.

16 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  13. Cosmetic Ingredient Review. Safety assessment of Hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel)-derived ingredients as used in cosmetics. Washington, DC: Cosmetic Ingredient Review.

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By Megan Nunn, PharmD
Nunn is a community pharmacist in Tennessee with 12 years of experience in medication counseling and immunization.