Mache Seibel, MD

Mache Seibel, MD




University of Texas Austin, Emory University, Harvard Medical School


It's better to stay well than to get well.

— Mache Seibel, MD


Mache Seibel, MD, is a former writer for Verywell Health covering menopause. Dr. Seibel speaks internationally to both lay and professional audiences and is often asked by the media to comment on women's health and menopause topics. He began his career at Harvard Medical School where he was Director of the Gynecology Endocrinology Laboratory, Director of Fellowship Training and Director of the Division of Reproductive Medicine. He performed the first in vitro fertilization in Massachusetts, the third in the country and performed cutting edge research in the area of infertility and published over 200 scientific papers and book chapters. He also founded one of the first Reproductive Ethics Advisory Boards in the United States.

He spent six years part time as Medical Director of Inverness Medical, now Alere, before transitioning from a focus on infertility to a focus on perimenopause and menopause. He was invited to direct the Complicated Menopause Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and worked in the Department of Psychiatry focusing on patients with underlying mental health disorders who are also transitioning into menopause.

Seibel was Editor in Chief of the journal Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause and wrote and edited 15 books on women's health. His interest in patient education led him to create HealthRock, which uses music to educate people on important health topics.

Dr. Seibel is the editor of The Hot Years Magazine, an online magazine for women available in Apple News and Google Play. He also created a five-week online program for women called Menopause Breakthrough that helps women understand how and why they are changing and what they can do about it. He answers questions for women each month at


Mache Seibel, MD, attended the University of Texas in Austin and the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX, from which he was awarded the Ashbel Smith Distinguished Alumni Award. Seibel did his residency in Ob/Gyn at Emory University in Atlanta and his Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and Infertility at Harvard Medical School.

Seibel is the recipient of numerous awards for patient education, research, and music. He served as the Principal Investigator of a Gates Foundation Award.

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