Weight Training for Seniors: Dumbbell Exercises

strength training seniors

Verywell / Amelia Manley

No matter what your age, exercising with dumbbells is a great way to stay in shape. That said, free-weight exercises offer many benefits for seniors specifically.

In addition to choosing the right weights and exercises, give your body enough time to rest and recover between strength training sessions. It also helps to follow a few guidelines for creating an injury-free weight-lifting workout.

Before starting any exercise program, it is always a good idea to see your healthcare provider for a medical checkup and receive clearance for exercise. This is especially true if you haven't exercised before or have taken an extensive break from physical activity.

We've tried, tested, and reviewed the best dumbbells. If you're in the market for dumbbells, explore which option may be best for you.

Weight Training Benefits for Seniors

If designed appropriately, a weight training program for seniors can offer benefits that enhance overall quality of life. These include:

  • Increased overall strength
  • Improved joint health
  • Better balance and stability
  • Enhanced metabolic fitness (including glucose tolerance and cholesterol control)
  • Easier time maintaining a healthy weight
  • Keeping or building bone density, which can reduce breaks and fractures

A dumbbell program is also a convenient (and inexpensive) way to train at home on days when you are not able to make it to the gym.

Choosing the Right Dumbbell Weights

Having access to three different dumbbell weights can help provide a full-body workout. It enables you to easily change the weight you use for each exercise based on the strength of the muscles being worked.

For each movement, choose a dumbbell that is heavy enough to do eight to 12 repetitions (reps) comfortably, but not too comfortably. As you approach the end of a set, your muscles should start to feel tired and you may even struggle a bit.

If you choose a weight that is too heavy and you are not yet accustomed to it, you might have sore muscles and joints for a few days after your workout. Starting with a lighter weight can keep you from becoming too sore.

You can tell your weight is too heavy if you have to arch your back or swing your body to lift it. Start slow. As your body gets more comfortable with working out, you can increase the amount of weight you use.

Dumbbell Exercises for Seniors

Typical weight training for seniors involves performing three sets of 12 repetitions, with one to two minutes of rest between each set. There are endless dumbbell exercises to work the upper and lower body. Here are a few that provide a solid foundation of strength.

Upper Body Weight Training

Lower Body Weight Training

Proper weight training for seniors should touch every muscle group. Perform the exercises above twice weekly. And if three sets of 12 reps are too much to start, start with two sets of 12.

The Importance of Rest

Rest for at least one full day (24 hours) between weight training sessions. Once you start building strength and stamina, aim for three to four sessions weekly.

You can also alternate dumbbell training with a walking program to help build muscle and cardiovascular health. Even then, you should have at least one to two rest days per week when first starting to avoid overtraining.

Tips for Injury-Free Weight Training

When first starting, your muscles and joints are likely to feel sore. This is normal. Most of the aches should subside within a day or two and will continue to get easier with each ensuing session.

Always do an exercise with complete control, never rushing or throwing your body out of its neutral alignment. If something hurts, stop exercising and lower your weights. Never exceed your physical capacity.

Replace any water lost through sweat with either water or an electrolyte sports drink. It's also important to have appropriate footwear. This is especially true if you have a medical condition like diabetes, have flat feet, or over-pronate (your foot rolls inward when you walk).

A Word From Verywell

Remember to gradually ease into weight training, giving your body time to recover between strength training sessions. Once you've established a routine, extend the time and intensity of your workout to continue to build muscle strength and endurance.

3 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Fisher JP, Steele J, Gentil P, Giessing J, Westcott WL. A minimal dose approach to resistance training for the older adult; the prophylactic for aging. Exp Gerontol. 2017;99:80-86. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2017.09.012

  2. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(3):687-708. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181915670

  3. O'Keefe JH, O'Keefe EL, Lavie CJ. The Goldilocks zone for exercise: Not too little, not too much. Mo Med. 2018;115(2):98-105.

By Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers is a personal trainer with experience in a wide range of sports, including track, triathlon, marathon, hockey, tennis, and baseball.