Steven Lin, DDS

Steven Lin, DDS

Dentist, Health Educator


Functional Dentistry


The University of Sydney, University of Wollongong


Healthcare has become remarkably equipped to treat the symptoms of disease. The challenge is to address the reasons that caused them to happen in the first place.

— Steven Lin, DDS


Dr. Steven Lin, DDS, is a dentist and health author in Australia. He is the author of "The Dental Diet" and gave a TED Talk about dental disease.

His articles have been featured in national media outlets such as the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age as well as health magazine Women's Health and online news giant The Huffington Post. He has been published in professional journals and trade magazines such as The British Dental Journal, Bite Magazine, The Australasian Dentist, the Australian Breastfeeding Journal as well as Mindbodygreen.



University of Sydney (Australia)—Bachelor of Dentistry 

University of Wollongong Australia—Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health

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