Get your core in gear with this 10-minute ab circuit workout combining five killer ab exercises with rope jumping. Give your midsection a total workout and build cardiovascular fitness simultaneously.
Begin your core workout with a light warm-up to get the blood flowing and gradually increase your core temperature. This will help reduce your risk of injury. The actual ab circuit workout consists of a one-minute interval of each core exercise with a 60-second interval of rope jumping.
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Start with 60 seconds of the standard plank exercise. If you can hold the plan for the entire 60 seconds, alternate lifting the right and left feet off the ground in a slow, steady motion.
After your one-minute plank, move quickly into your one-minute rope jumping interval. Then go to the next exercise.
Crossover Ab Crunches
B2M Productions/Digital Vision/Getty Images
The crossover ab crunch targets the obliques. The goal is to touch each elbow to the knee without pulling your neck forward. It's helpful to look up as you crunch and rotate from the torso, not the neck.
Do as many slow, controlled repetitions as you can on one side in 30 seconds, then switch to the other side for the remaining 30. Follow with rope jumping, then move on to the one-leg bridge.
One-Leg Bridges
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
The one-leg bridge is not typically considered a power-house core exercise, but it is excellent for working the posterior chain (the backside of the body). Building strong glutes and hamstrings is essential for torso strength and stability.
The key to making this one a good core strengthener is to resist allowing the hips to sag or one side of the pelvis to rotate or sink toward the ground. If you can keep your pelvis level, you will better engage your core muscles.
For this circuit, hold the one-leg bridge for 30 seconds on one side and then switch to the other side for the remaining 30. Follow with another 60 seconds of rope jumping before moving to the next ab exercise.
If you have difficulty sinking or sagging on one side, perform a basic bridge exercise until you build enough strength to do this one right.
Oblique Twists With a Medicine Ball
Matt Henry Gunther / Getty Images
Your abs may be burning a bit as you hit the fourth exercise in the circuit, the oblique twist with a medicine ball. If not, they will be by the end of this 60-second interval.
To do it right, keep your feet off the floor and alternate tapping a medicine ball (the weight of your choosing) back and forth from the right side of your body to the left. Do this in a slow, controlled motion for 60 seconds before your jump-rope interval.
Standard Crunch
To do a standard crunch, hold your torso off the ground and stay close to the floor as you can increase the intensity. Bend your knees slightly to make it easier or straighten them to make it harder.
If you start fatiguing, lift a bit higher to reduce the effort, or roll up and grab your knees for a little break. Ultimately, aim to hold the position for the entire minute. Follow with one more interval of jumping rope and you are done. Nice work!