The lower back is the foundation of a strong, fit body with some of the most important muscles of your core. Keeping them strong helps reduce the risk of back pain.
The best lower back exercises should target all muscles in the region on both sides of the spine, including the erector spinae and glutes. It's also important to work the rest of your back, including the lats and upper back.
Safety and Precautions
Consult your doctor before starting a lower back workout especially if you have a history of back pain, as some exercises may make it worse depending on your condition and its severity.
Research shows strengthening your lumbar spine is generally considered safe (and successful) when lower back pain exists. It appears to help whether the pain is acute (short-term) or chronic (long-lasting).
Whether you're using a stability ball, free weights, or back extension machine, begin lower back exercises with a warmup to prepare your muscles and increase your range of motion. Setting aside time to properly warm up will enable you to complete your workout without limitations.
Overview of Lower Back Exercises
If you are new to working out, choose one or two lower back exercises below and complete one to two sets of 12 or 16 repetitions. This enables you to build your lower back strength slowly and safely.
Intermediate or advanced exercises can choose two to four lower back exercises and complete two to three sets and eight to 12 reps. Try a variety to keep things interesting and rest between sets.
Some lower back exercises do not use equipment while others require weights, balls, or other devices. For exercises that use weights, the goal is to be able to complete the reps required. If you can do more, increase your weight.
Aim to do lower back exercises twice weekly, allowing your back muscles time to recover fully between training sessions. Do cardio and flexibility exercises on the other days for help with lower back pain.
Back Extensions
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Back extensions are one of the most classic lower back exercises. They are good for working the muscle that runs up and down your spine (erector spinae). This muscle assists with straightening and rotating your back.
- Also known as: Prone spinal extension
- Equipment needed: None
- How to do it right: To perform back extensions, lie face down. Keep your legs on the floor while lifting your chest. Your hands can be on the floor for support, in front of you, or behind your head. You can also lift both the upper and lower body for a more intense exercise (also known as the Superman).
The key for back extensions is to engage your core before lifting your chest off the floor. It will allow you to focus on the lower back muscles.
Back Extensions on a Ball
Caiaimage / Robert Daly / Getty Images
You can feel a greater range of motion while performing back extensions on an exercise ball. Using a ball also strengthens your core muscles by trying to stay upright. A stronger core reinforces back strength, assisting with balance and stabilization.
- Also known as: Swiss ball back extensions
- Equipment needed: Exercise ball
- How to do it right: Keep your hands under your chin or on either side of the head. Round over the ball and engage your abs, lifting your upper body until your entire body is in a straight line. You can also perform this move on your knees as a modification.
Back Extensions on the BOSU
OSTILL / Getty Images
If you have access to a BOSU balance trainer, this is another tool for strengthening the core, especially the lower back. Like with an exercise ball, the BOSU builds strength as you work to keep your body stable during the movement.
- Also known as: BOSU prone spinal extension
- Equipment needed: BOSU balance trainer
- How to do it right: Lie face down with the BOSU under your hips. Next, perform this lower back exercise the same as you would on the exercise ball, lifting your upper body off the trainer. You'll have a little less range of motion, but balancing on the unstable dome will challenge your core and stability differently.
Reverse Hyperextension on the Ball
Carol Schiff / Getty Images
This lower back exercise is a unique way to work your back muscles. Instead of using your back muscles to lift your upper body, use them to lift your lower body. In addition to working your back, this move helps strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.
- Also known as: Stability ball reverse hyperextension, Swiss ball reverse hyperextension
- Equipment needed: Exercise ball
- How to do it right: For the reverse hyperextension, lie face down with the ball under your chest. Roll forward on the ball until it's under your hips. Keeping your legs straight, lift them toward the ceiling until your body is in a straight line. Make this move more challenging by rolling forward further so you are resting on your forearms.
Good Mornings
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Good mornings are a gentle way of working the back, particularly if you're not using a rod or weight. This lower back exercise builds strength in your back, hamstrings, glutes, and core.
- Also known as: Barbell good mornings
- Equipment needed (optional): Barbell, broomstick, or other long rod
- How to do it right: When performing good mornings, engage your core to protect your lower back. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back flat and knees slightly bent until your torso is parallel to the floor. Return to a standing position.
If you don't use a barbell or rod, keep your arms out to the sides, forward, or behind your head. This is a great way to master form until you build back strength.
Hip Hinge
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
The hinge is a good prelude to the more challenging deadlift. Keep your back straight while hinging forward at the hips. This reinforces muscles that support healthy, neutral spine alignment.
- Also known as: Half forward bend
- Equipment needed: Long rod, such as a PVC pipe or wooden stick
- How to do it right: Use a broomstick or some other straight stick to perform the hip hinge, holding it vertically behind your back with one hand behind your head and the other at your lower back. The stick should be in contact with your head, between your shoulder blades, and tailbone. Hinge forward while keeping the stick in contact with all three points.
Deadlifts are an excellent lower back exercise. They also work your glutes, hamstrings, and core. Together, these muscles help support healthy posture. Even though it looks easy, the deadlift can be hard to master.
- Also known as: Conventional deadlifts
- Equipment needed: Set of dumbbells or a barbell, with or without weights
- How to do it right: The key with a deadlift is to keep your back flat and shoulders down. Hinge at the hips with knees slightly bent, keeping the dumbbell or bar close to your legs. Once you've reached mid-shin, return to stand, avoiding thrusting your hips forward.
Bird Dog
Ben Goldstein
The bird dog is an outstanding lower back exercise that also targets overall core stability. Like back extensions, this move targets the erector spinae. Since it requires no equipment, you can do it anywhere.
- Also known as: Quadruped
- Equipment needed: None
- How to do it right: To perform the bird dog, start on all fours and lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously until your entire body is straight. Slowly lower both and switch sides to complete one rep.
Keep your abdominal muscles engaged when performing bird dog. Do your best to keep your hips from moving when you shift from one side to the next.
Ben Goldstein
The bridge is another gentle, simple lower back exercise that targets the glutes and hamstrings.
- Also known as: Hip raises, glute bridge
- Equipment needed: None
- How to do it right: When performing a bridge, your ankles should be under your knees. Raise your hips until your body is straight from the neck to your knees. Slowly lower and repeat this movement for one rep.