How to Get Rid of Pimples: 6 Ways That Work

Methods to get rid of pimples include using home remedies, over-the-counter (OTC) products, and prescription medications. Unfortunately, popping pimples may lead to more inflammation, longer healing time, or infection so it's not your best option.

Most acne lasts a few days to a week, but deeper pimples may take weeks or even months to resolve.

A woman doing a skin care routine

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1. Plant-Based Pimple Remedies

There are some excellent home remedies to get rid of pimples naturally. Some of these remedies are anecdotal (coming from individual experiences), while others have limited evidence backing them up.

Plant-based ingredients like these may be effective in treating pimples:

Tea tree oil: A review of studies found low-quality evidence that tea tree oil may reduce mild acne. Compared to the placebo (an inactive substance), tea tree oil reduced the number and severity of pimples. Dilute tea tree oil according to the vial instructions; then apply a small dab to the pimple. If you experience irritation, wash the tea tree oil off your skin and discontinue use.

Witch hazel: Research suggests the botanical astringent witch hazel may reduce skin irritation, inflammation, and the bacteria that contributes to acne. Used topically, witch hazel is available as a liquid solution and in wipes or pads.

Zinc: Research has found that zinc effectively reduces the number of pimples when used alone or in addition to other treatments. While effective, other studies noted some unpleasant side effects, including skin dryness, peeling, and reddening. The most direct way to treat acne with zinc is to use a topical zinc ointment or lotion intended for acne treatment.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera topical gel has been shown in studies to enhance the action of the immune system against the bacteria that cause acne. You can find aloe vera gel at drugstores, pharmacies, grocery stores, and natural health stores. You also could squeeze the gel directly from a snipped leaf of an aloe plant.

Rose petal extract: According to researchers, due to the antioxidant activity of rose petal extract, it acts as an anti-inflammatory when applied to the skin. You can find rose petal extract at natural health stores and online.

Turmeric: Research has shown promising results when it comes to turmeric for treating acne. A review of 18 studies evaluated turmeric's effect on skin conditions, including acne. It found statistically significant improvement in skin conditions compared to control groups. You can add turmeric to food, drink it as tea, take it as a supplement, or apply it topically.

Green Tea: Due to the polyphenols (plant compounds that act as antioxidants) in green tea, which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic properties, studies have found that when green tea is used topically, it may reduce sebum secretion (oil made by the skin's glands) and treat acne. Drink green tea or apply it to your skin. You can find topical applications of green tea (or acne treatments with green tea as an ingredient) online and in natural health stores.

Honey: Limited research indicates that honey may suppress and kill acne bacteria. This sweetener has been used as a natural remedy to treat acne breakouts for centuries. Although more research is needed if you want to try applying honey on pimples, opt for raw, unfiltered varieties or Manuka honey.

Brewer's yeast: Brewer’s yeast is used to treat acne in Eastern Europe, and there are some studies that back up its use. A strain of brewer’s yeast called Hansen CBS, taken orally, has been found to decrease acne. Brewer's yeast is available as a powder or in tablet form. Follow all packaging directions.

2. Manage Stress

Stress is one of the known causes of acne, especially in adults. Researchers say this is because stress releases pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased cortisol levels, which can lead to breakouts.

Reducing stress may help prevent pimples. Mindfulness practices, adequate exercise, fresh air, and enough sleep are all healthy habits that can help you manage your stress.

3. Change Your Diet

A low-glycemic diet may lead to less acne. This diet reduces blood sugar spikes, which in turn lowers inflammation throughout the body while decreasing the production of sebum (an oily substance made by the sebaceous glands in your skin). Both inflammation and excess sebum can lead to acne.

4. Drugstore Acne Products

Dermatologists (doctors specializing in treating skin conditions) recommend the following ingredients in OTC treatments for acne:

  • Adapalene (Differin): A retinoid that exfoliates dead skin and promotes new skin growth.
  • Azelaic acid: Dicarboxylic acids kill bacteria and reduce keratin (a protein on your skin) production.
  • Benzoyl peroxide (Clearasil, Oxy 10): Kills bacteria and removes oil and dead skin cells.
  • Salicylic acid (Neutrogena, Stridex pads): Unclogs pores and exfoliates skin.

Mild acne typically responds well to OTC acne treatment. Not every acne treatment works well for everyone, so you may have to experiment to decide which one works best for you.

5. Get Rid of Pimples With a Dermatologist

Dermatologists may recommend the following prescription treatments:

  • Prescription topical acne medications: These may include the same ingredients available OTC but in higher strengths
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Combined topical medication: Usually a benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic
  • Oral acne medication: Oral antibiotics, oral contraceptive pills, and antiandrogens (in cases in which acne is caused by hormonal shifts, especially before a menstrual cycle), isotretinoin

As with OTC treatments, figuring out which treatment is best for you may take some experimentation. Be patient; it may take weeks or even months to see improvement.

What Makes Pimples Worse?

It can be hard to be consistent and patient with your acne treatment, but don't making pimples worse by:

  • Popping pimples (this can make acne worse and lead to inflammation or infection)
  • Changing up your acne treatment too often (give it at least six to eight weeks)
  • Applying acne medicine only to your blemishes (apply a thin layer all over)
  • Using makeup products that clog pores or sharing makeup applicators
  • Sleeping in makeup
  • Drying out your skin (Many treatments are drying, so be sure to moisturize)
  • Scrubbing your skin too hard

6. Follow A Skin-Care Routine

Dermatologists recommend the following a consistent skin-care routine:

  • Wash your face twice a day and after sweating
  • Use gentle skin-care products
  • Shampoo often to keep hair oils away from your face
  • Give your treatment time to work (usually six to eight weeks) 
  • Keep your hands off your face to minimize germs
  • Stay out of the sun and tanning beds  

If you have trouble creating a skin-care routine that works for you or need help finding the right products, talk to a dermatologist or aesthetician (a technician specializing in skin beautification).


Many home remedies, OTC treatments, and prescriptions can help you eliminate pimples. Often, mild cases of acne respond well to home remedies and OTC treatments. But whatever treatment you try, give it time to work.

While mild cases can resolve in a week or so, more severe cases may take six to eight weeks to see treatment results. A consistent skin-care routine can help manage and prevent acne.

16 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  16. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Acne: Tips for managing.

Person with shoulder-length hair, wearing clear glasses and a denim jacket leans against a building.

By Kathi Valeii
Valeii is a Michigan-based writer with a bachelor's degree in communication from Purdue Global.