Cleaning & Organizing Organizing

How to Build a Daily Routine That Works for You

5 Steps to Organize Your Schedule and Stick to It

Figuring out how to create a daily routine that works for you—and sticking to it—can take some time. What should your perfect daily routine contain? That depends on your needs. Build a successful routine to fit your daily timetable. Be honest about what you can make work by evaluating your lifestyle, bandwidth, time-management abilities, and what you need to accomplish.

Here are five steps to help you make a daily routine that's reasonable to stick to.

  1. Make a List

    Figuring out how to write a daily routine begins by writing down everything you need to do daily at home and work. Don't worry about how you organize this list; this is a brain dump, not a checklist. Jot down everything you do each day and everything you should get done.

    If you find it difficult to remember all the tasks in one sitting, carry a planner or notebook to take notes throughout the day. No task is too small—if you want to work "brush teeth" into your daily routine, put it on the list.

    making a to do list
    The Spruce / Ruthie Darling
  2. Structure Your Day

    Early birds do things most effectively before lunchtime, while night owls get their burst of energy in the evenings. Think about when you work best. Then, group your tasks into the time of day that makes the most sense for when you will efficiently complete them.

    • Mornings: You might be pressed for time in the morning, but group all your early tasks, such as feeding and walking pets, preparing breakfast, or putting dinner in the slow cooker. Do tasks you want to do while fresh. Or schedule things you dread or procrastinate doing so they're not looming over you all day.
    • Midday: Morning caffeine wears off by midday, and energy levels wane. Do the boring, routine stuff that doesn't take a lot of brainpower, like answering emails, setting appointments, and running errands. If at home, handle routine cleaning, such as emptying and loading the dishwasher or scrubbing the bathroom.
    • Evening: Evenings work best for planning and preparing for the next day. Lay out your clothes, pack lunches, and declutter the spaces that tend to be drop zones, such as mail piles.
    work from home time
    ​The Spruce / Ruthie Darling


    Visual tools can help you remember and solidify your schedule. Prominently display a chart or use visual cues like color-coded tabs, vibrant sticky notes, or hued markers in an organizer. Consider using stickers if you make a large chart for yourself.

    Use an online planner if you do everything on your phone or electronic devices.

  3. Get Specific (Optional)

    Get as specific as you want with your outline of tasks. For example, write a daily morning routine that looks something like this to account for time:

    • 6:00: Wake up, shower
    • 6:30: Breakfast, brush teeth
    • 7:00: Leave the house
    • 7:15: Drop off kids at school
    • 7:30: Arrive at the office

    You might prefer that level of detail until you get the hang of your routine.

    making a very detailed list
    ​The Spruce / Ruthie Darling 
  4. Schedule Time for Flexibility

    A good daily routine will harness your most productive hours for challenging tasks and your least productive hours for mundane tasks. But life can be unpredictable sometimes, so prepare for unplanned events by scheduling flexible free time in your routine.

    If a doctor's appointment or an impromptu social gathering arises, having blocks of free time in your daily routine helps you shift tasks around while keeping things flowing smoothly despite atypical events. Free time blocks ensure you never feel pressed for time.

    taking a break
    ​The Spruce / Ruthie Darling
  5. Test Drive Your New Routine

    Once you've created your daily routine, try it. Ask yourself:

    • How does your daily routine feel? 
    • Did you schedule your tasks at times that make sense? 
    • Do you need to adjust anything? 

    Commit to the routine for at least 30 days. Tweak any scheduling that isn't working out. Sticking to your daily routine will be easier once your tasks are slotted into the right spots.

    test driving your routine for 30 days
    The Spruce / Ruthie Darling

Moving Forward With Your Routine

Creating a daily routine can seem daunting, but you will soon reap the rewards when your productivity soars, morning meltdowns are reduced, and you suddenly have pockets of free time.

Remember: Nothing is written in stone. Keep tweaking as things change in your life. Follow the steps you used to create your initial routine to form new and productive habits. Begin by finding a free planner online to kickstart your new routine.