At Verywell, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle. Successful eating plans need to be individualized and take the whole person into consideration. Prior to starting a new diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian, especially if you have an underlying health condition.
What Is Medi-Weightloss?
Medi-Weightloss clinics are located around the country and offer food plans, counseling, and medication to promote weight loss. The physician-monitored program is popular among customers who are comfortable with a structured program and are ready to make significant changes to their diet to lose weight. But not everyone can stick to the restrictive low-carb plan long enough for weight loss.
What Experts Say
"Medi-Weightloss is a physician-supervised, low-calorie and low-carbohydrate weight loss program. While experts agree the support and medical guidance is valuable, they also question the degree of carbohydrate restriction and sustainability."
—Chrissy Carroll, RD, MPH
7-Day Medi-Weightloss Diet Plan
What you eat on the Medi-Weightloss program will depend on a personalized nutrition program provided by a medical professional. But the following 7-day meal plan offers an example of what you might expect during the wellness phase.
Note that this meal plan is not all-inclusive, and if you do choose to adhere to this diet there may be other meals that are recommended.
- Day 1: 2 Low-carb pancakes topped with 1/4 cup mixed berries; 3/4 cup avocado chicken Salad, 1 cup rainbow vegetable soup; 1 apricot; 1 serving za'atar spiced halibut with cherry tomatoes, 1 serving roasted asparagus
- Day 2: 1 serving low-carb frittata with spinach and mushrooms; 1 serving tuna-walnut salad, 1 cup roasted tomato and fennel soup; 1 peanut butter protein ball; 1 serving roasted chicken with turmeric and fennel, 1/2 cup shredded Brussels sprouts and lentil salad
- Day 3: 1 serving flax meal peanut butter hot cereal; 1 serving low-carb salad with chicken, bacon, and apple, 1 cup cauliflower-cheese soup; 1/4 cup almonds; 1 serving Middle Eastern grilled kofta kebabs, 1/2 cup lemony roasted broccoli
- Day 4: Tomato and broccoli broiled top breakfast frittata; cauliflower cakes with chicken and green salad with olive oil dressing; low carb trail mix; Thai coconut curry chicken, 1/2 cup green beans
- Day 5: Almond flour gluten-free muffin, 1/4 cup berries, 1/2 cup cottage cheese; chicken salad with strawberry vinaigrette; 1/4 cup almonds; sheet pan harissa chicken and cauliflower
- Day 6: Low-carb, no sugar added granola, 1/4 cup berries, 1/2 cup almond milk; low-carb walnut tuna salad; 1 whole apricot; lighter old-fashioned meatloaf, green salad with olive oil dressing
- Day 7: Flax meal breakfast pudding, 1/4 cup berries; low-carb salad with chicken, bacon, and apple; garlicky olive, walnut, and edamame mix; Middle Eastern grilled kofta kebabs, side Greek salad
What You Can Eat
Medi-Weightloss promotes a high-protein, hypocaloric (low-calorie) diet. The plan is divided into three phases: "acute weight loss," "short-term maintenance," and "wellness."
Acute Weight-Loss Phase
During this first phase, patients eat primarily protein foods to induce ketosis.
- Chicken breast
- Fish
- Pork loin
- Sirloin steak
- Eggs
- Non-starchy vegetables
Short-Term Maintenance Phase
During this shorter maintenance stage, they slowly increase their intake of carbohydrates and calories via servings of starch and dairy and increased servings of veggies, fruits, and fat. Protein calories may stay the same or change. During this phase, all foods from the acute phase are allowed, plus:
- Non-starchy vegetables
- Cottage cheese
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Fruit (especially low-sugar)
- Avocado
- Olive oil
Wellness Phase
During this phase, people on the Medi-Weightloss plan consume 40% of their calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fats, and 30% from protein. The wellness phase is similar to other lower carbohydrate eating styles. It allows all foods from the previous phases, plus:
- Whole grains
- Fruit
- All vegetables
- Dairy
Hydration is a vital component of the Medi-Weightloss diet. It's common for patients to become constipated and tired when they remove or reduce carbohydrate intake. Proper hydration may reduce these symptoms, so a specific hydration recommendation is provided for each patient based on their weight and activity levels.
What You Can't Eat
During the most restrictive phase, you cannot eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates. These foods are slowly introduced over the next two phases, except these foods, which are restricted through all phases.
Processed and Sugary Foods
Processed foods are discouraged throughout the phases.
- Chips
- Processed meats (bacon, sausage)
- Boxed processed foods
- Artificial sweeteners
- Candy
- Refined sugar
Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates lacking in fiber are discouraged.
- White bread
- Refined crackers
- Refined cereal
- White flour pasta
Preparing for Medi-Weightloss
At the first meeting, patients meet with a medical professional for preliminary testing. During the initial meeting, the provider will administer several tests, screenings, and other measurements that may include an EKG, urinalysis, blood panel, body composition analysis, and other vitals. The provider also reviews your health history and current prescriptions.
After medical testing and consultation, the provider creates an individualized diet and exercise plan emphasizing accountability, education, and support. The plan may include prescriptions for weight-loss medications, diet supplements, or vitamin-based injections.
At weekly check-ins, your health is monitored, and supplements, prescriptions, or injections are administered. This is also a time when you can ask questions and make any necessary modifications to your plan. You may meet with a nurse, registered dietitian, or fitness trainer.
The first stage is the acute weight-loss phase. Calorie counts during this stage may be quite low: About 500 to 700 calories from protein sources, and then additional calories from fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and miscellaneous items such as condiments and broths. Patients do not journal calories or carbohydrate intake. Instead, they journal the number of protein calories consumed and servings of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and other foods.
For example, a patient may be prescribed 700 protein calories and at least two servings of fruits or veggies, two servings of fat, and four servings of other calories. The total number of protein calories prescribed depends on results from metabolic testing and activity level and is usually adjusted at least once during the acute phase.
As patients get closer to their weight-loss goal, they move into the next phase, the maintenance phase, during which most patients continue weekly visits.
The third wellness phase begins when patients meet their goal weight. They transition to monthly clinic visits and may undergo additional testing. During this phase, patients move to a 40/30/30 eating plan where 40% of calories consumed come from carbohydrates, 30% come from fats, and 30% come from protein. This is similar to some other low-carb eating plans.
When you meet your goal weight, you transition to monthly meetings. During this phase, your provider may make adjustments to the diet and recommend supplements or testing during each meeting.
Pre-packaged meals are not provided, although the company sells limited supplements and ready-to-eat menu items. Patients are given a food list to help them grocery shop, prepare food at home, and guide them while dining at restaurants. Food journaling to promote accountability is the main focus of patient education. To stick to the eating plan, guidance and motivation are provided at weekly check-ins. An online patient portal includes recipes and tools to track progress.
The company provides several programs, including obesity management and metabolic syndrome services for adults and adolescents, medical nutrition therapy and counseling, behavioral counseling, fitness recommendations, and screening for type 2 diabetes and other conditions.
Since the diet is personalized, it will be adjusted to meet each patient's needs. The medical staff at a Medi-Weightloss clinic may communicate with a patient's healthcare provider.
Sample Shopping List
The following shopping list is an example of foods you might eat while following a Medi-Weightloss plan during the wellness phase. Note this shopping list is not all-inclusive, and if you choose to follow the Medi-Weightloss diet you will be prescribed a personalized nutrition program and list of foods to help you meet your health goals.
- Non-starchy vegetables (bok choy, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, zucchini)
- Low-sugar fruits (avocado, apricot, oranges, berries)
- Low-starch legumes (black beans, lentils, mung beans, tofu)
- Lean meats (chicken and turkey breast, lean ground beef, pork tenderloin)
- Fish (halibut, tuna, salmon, cod, haddock)
- Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, amaranth)
- Dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, or soy alternative)
- Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, cashews, chia, flax, hemp)
- Oils (olive oil, coconut oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil)
- Eggs
Pros of Medi-Weightloss
The idea of a structured, supervised eating plan may appeal to many people, and Medi-Weightloss has some advantages.
- Customized plans and support: Medi-Weightloss touts personalization as a big part of its strategy. While it's unclear how much the plans differ from person to person, a tailored weight-loss plan is certainly more likely to be effective than a one-size-fits-all approach. If you can attend regular meetings, you’ll get a boost of motivation and accountability as a result. The weekly check-ins are likely to make you more successful, as they allow for additional adjustments and more support than many other diets.
- Phased approach: Low-carb diets often use a phased approach, and Medi-Weightloss is no different. In this way, followers can begin to determine how carbohydrates affect their weight and zero in on a proportion that works for them. It may also be easier to comply with a phased diet because the initial restrictive period is not too long.
- May induce weight loss: Weight loss is likely on the Medi-Weightloss program, particularly since the plan offers personalized nutrition and medical guidance. The program also provides ongoing counseling and support. Health experts suggest that patients who receive regular face-to-face counseling are more likely to stick to a weight-loss plan long enough to see results. Other studies have shown that remote weight-loss counseling can provide the same benefit.
While weight loss is likely on a personalized Medi-Weightloss plan, the amount of weight you lose will depend on how long and how well you stick to the plan. Some studies and medical professionals have found ketogenic diets to be too restrictive and therefore not effective for losing weight and keeping it off.
Cons of Medi-Weightloss
This type of weight-loss program does not work for everyone, and there are some other drawbacks and risks to be aware of.
- Can be expensive: Prices vary by location, but you will need to pay for a consultation and weekly visits. Supplements, prescriptions, and food are an additional charge.
- May lack accessibility: Since the company does not provide packaged meals, you’ll need to be comfortable shopping and preparing meals and snacks that comply with the eating plan's restrictions. You must also visit a Medi-Weightloss center regularly. These requirements may not always be feasible for everyone.
- Short-term solution: The initial acute phase is not sustainable for any length of time because of its restrictiveness. The diet has a maintenance phase to help users transition out of ketosis and into a more traditional lower-carb diet that must be followed indefinitely to maintain weight loss.
- Lacks sufficient evidence: The company reports the program is based on scientific evidence. Currently, no independent research has been published in peer-reviewed journals to support this specific company. Some studies support certain aspects of the plan, but others contradict it.
- May be difficult to comply: If you are surrounded by people who consume a standard American diet at home and work, you may have a harder time sticking to this plan. Many common foods (starchy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, baked goods) are not included in a ketogenic or low-carb diet. Cravings for these foods may be difficult and even intolerable at times.
- May not be effective: Low-carb diets often lead to quick, short-term weight loss, but some research shows they are not always an effective solution for long-term weight management.
- May be unsustainable: Medi-Weightloss claims an average patient can lose seven pounds during the first week and two to three pounds per week after that. This is a faster rate of weight loss than is generally recommended. Most health organizations suggest a slower rate of one to two pounds per week for the best success at meeting a goal weight and maintaining it.
- May cause nutrient deficiencies: Research shows that low-carb diets often result in nutrient deficiencies, particularly in minerals commonly found in grains, such as iron and magnesium.
Many former Medi-Weightloss clients say the program is hard to maintain. If you have a friend, spouse, or family member who is willing to provide support, you’ll be more likely to succeed.
Is Medi-Weightloss a Healthy Choice For You?
When compared with the federal guidelines for a healthy, balanced diet to support health and weight management, Medi-Weightloss isn't in alignment. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests a balanced mix of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and fat. The Medi-Weightloss plan cuts back severely on carbohydrates during the first two phases and continues to restrict them during the wellness phase.
Medi-Weightloss is considered a low-calorie diet, and daily calorie requirements will vary depending on an individual's weight-loss prescription plan. While creating a calorie deficit is an effective way to lose weight, your body and brain still need calories to function. That's why it can be helpful to know how many calories you should consume daily, whether you're looking to lose or maintain weight.
For a sustainable rate of weight loss, the USDA suggests reducing calories. This number can vary greatly depending on a person's age, gender, weight, height, and physical activity. To calculate your daily calorie target, use this calculator.
Due to its strict rules on carbohydrates, the first two phases of the Medi-Weightloss do not align with federal guidelines for a balanced diet. While the third phase is more balanced, it is still lower than the USDA's recommendation for carbs (40% of daily calories compared with 45% to 65%).
A Word From Verywell
There is no single diet that is right for everyone as different people have varying needs. By most accounts, the Medi-Weightloss program is extremely structured, which is helpful for some people seeking to lose weight. But it may be too restrictive for others.
If you are considering this plan, reach out to your local Medi-Weightloss provider and ask questions about cost and insurance before investing. You might also ask to see a sample meal plan to see if you can realistically follow it. Also, speak with your healthcare provider to get recommendations and suggestions. The more questions you ask, the more likely you will find a program that fits your needs.
Remember, following a long- or short-term diet may not be necessary, and many diets out there simply don’t work. While we do not endorse fad diet trends or unsustainable weight-loss methods, we present the facts so you can make an informed decision that works best for your nutritional needs, genetic blueprint, budget, and goals.
If your goal is weight loss, remember that losing weight isn’t necessarily the same as being your healthiest self, and there are many other ways to pursue health. Exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors also play a major role in your overall health. The best diet is always one that is balanced and fits your lifestyle.