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If you own U.S. Treasury bonds, you may have noticed that some Series EE savings bonds mature on different dates. The EE bonds issued from May 1981 through October 1982 took eight years to reach full face value. EE bonds issued in 2022 will take 20 years to reach their full face value.
It can pay to know how long it takes Series EE savings bonds to mature and to be able to calculate their maturity dates. Learn how to zero in on the bonds that are right for you.
Key Takeaways
- EE bonds issued since June 2003 reach maturity in 20 years.
- EE bonds typically build interest every, and the interest is added to your principal every six months.
- EE bonds earn interest up to 30 years after their date of issue.
- An EE bond's maturity date varies based on when the bond was issued.
Series EE Bonds Maturity Dates
Savings bonds work as zero-coupon bonds, which means your interest payments are added to the bond's principal value instead of being paid out periodically.
The difference in maturity dates for these bonds results from the differing rates of interest built into each Series EE bond when it's issued. EE bonds are issued with a fixed rate for up to 30 years. Older bonds issued between 1997 and 2005 have a variable rate that changes every six months. Bonds older than that have rates that depend on what year they were purchased.
Log in to the Treasury's website to find the value of your electronic bonds, or use its calculator to price your paper bonds. You can also estimate the value of your bond if you know when it was purchased.
In the past, EE bonds have been purchased at a discount, and they reached face value at maturity. Currently, investors purchase EE bonds at their face value, meaning a $50 EE bond costs $50 to buy. The EE bond's value will be worth twice the amount you paid for it in 20 years, regardless of the interest rate. The Treasury makes a one-time adjustment to fulfill this guarantee.
The maturity dates for Series EE bonds are:
- November 1982 to October 1986: 10 years
- November 1986 to February 1993: 12 years
- March 1993 to April 1995: 18 years
- May 1995 to May 2003: 17 years
- June 2003 and after: 20 years
How Long Should You Wait?
The Treasury guarantees that your EE bonds will reach maturity in 20 years, but some EE bonds issued in years past may reach maturity sooner. It depends on their built-in interest rate. Check the issue dates before you cash in your bonds.
You must hold the bond for at least five years to avoid a penalty of three months' interest, The earliest you can cash out your bond is one year.
Some bonds may have an interest rate that's quite low. Bonds issued from May 2022 through Oct. 2022 earned interest at a rate of just 0.10%.
How EE Bond Interest Accrues and Compounds
Interest on EE bonds is fixed, accrues monthly, and is added to the principal every six months for bonds issued in May 1995 and after. For EE bonds issued before May 1985, interest is added every six months. Your bond will continue to accrue interest until 30 years have passed from the date of issue or you cash out the bond.
Check the compounding date first if you're thinking about cashing out a savings bond. You're leaving money on the table if you cash out before interest accrues again.
The following table of interest accrual dates applies to Series EE bonds issued before March 1993, from 1980 through April 2005:
Series EE Bond Semiannual Interest Accrual Dates | |
If the month of issue is: | Interest will be added to the principal on the first day of: |
January or July | January and July |
February or August | February and August |
March or September | March and September |
April or October | April and October |
May or November | May and November |
June or December | June and December |
Alternatives to Series EE Bonds
You can decide whether these bonds make sense for your portfolio when you understand how long it takes Series EE savings bonds to mature. You can choose another option if savings bonds aren't the right fit for you. Broadly diversified blue-chip stocks might be one option.
Stocks may be a better option if you can tolerate higher levels of risk and don’t mind seeing your account value go up and down. You or you and your adviser can decide what works best based on your own needs, goals, and resources.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a Series EE savings bond?
A Series EE savings bond is a low-risk investment guaranteed by the U.S. government. It bears interest for 30 years or until you sell it, whichever comes first.
How do you redeem a Series EE bond?
You can redeem your electronic Series EE bonds directly through the TreasuryDirect website. Paper bonds are no longer issued, but you can cash existing paper bonds at most financial institutions.
When will my Series EE bond mature?
Series EE bonds purchased since June 2003 mature 20 years after the date of issue. They will continue to earn interest until 30 years from the date of issue or until you redeem them. Bonds purchased before June 2003 have already reached maturity but will continue to earn interest until they are 30 years old.