20th Century People & Events
Learn about the most significant figures and events of the period from the turn of the century to the new millennium in this collection. Learn about the milestones that defined the era and the people who made them happen.
Edward R. Murrow, Broadcast News Pioneer
Clarence Darrow, Famous Defense Attorney and Crusader for Justice
Biography of Tom Hayden, Activist and Politician
Joe Hill: Poet, Songwriter, and Martyr of the Labor Movement
Biography of Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolutionary
Biography of Howard Hughes, Businessman and Aviator
Biography of Eva Perón, First Lady of Argentina
Biography of Andy Warhol, Icon of Pop Art
Biography of Czar Nicholas II, Last Czar of Russia
The Story of Henri Charrière, Author of Papillon
Biography of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Leader
Biography of Benito Mussolini, Fascist Dictator of Italy
Biography of John D. Rockefeller, America's First Billionaire
Biography of Ernest Hemingway, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize Winning Writer
Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President
Biography of Jim Jones, Leader of the Peoples Temple Cult
Biography of Helen Keller, Deaf and Blind Spokesperson and Activist
Biography of Saddam Hussein, Dictator of Iraq
Biography of Booker T. Washington, Early Black Leader and Educator
Biography of Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist
Biography of Louis Armstrong, Expert Trumpeter and Entertainer
Biography of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll
Biography of Mother Teresa, 'The Saint of the Gutters'
Biography of Cary Grant, Famous Leading Man
Biography of Fidel Castro, President of Cuba for 50 Years
Biography of Dr. Seuss, Popular Children's Author
The Life of Zelda Fitzgerald, the Other Fitzgerald Writer
Biography of John F. Kennedy Jr.
Biography of Anne Frank, Writer of Powerful Wartime Diary
Huey Long, Populist Politician of the Depression Era
Biography of Emmeline Pankhurst, Women's Rights Activist
Biography of Beryl Markham, Aviation Pioneer
Life and Work of H.L. Mencken: Writer, Editor, and Critic
Biography of Babe Ruth, Home Run King
Biography of Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States
Biography of Nikita Khrushchev, Cold War Era Soviet Leader
Life of Robert McNamara, Architect of the Vietnam War
Adlai Stevenson: American Statesman and Presidential Candidate
Biography of Hubert Humphrey, the Happy Warrior
Famous Black American Men and Women of the 20th Century
Biography of Walter Cronkite, Anchorman and TV News Pioneer
Biography of Al Capone, Prohibition Era Crime Boss
Biography of Typhoid Mary, Who Spread Typhoid in Early 1900s
Biography of Mohandas Gandhi, Indian Independence Leader
32 Ronald Reagan Quotes You Should Know
100 Famous Women of the 20th Century
The Major Wars and Conflicts of the 20th Century
Biography of Liberace
Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes
Adolf Hitler's Family Tree
Queen Victoria's Death and Final Arrangements
Stalin's Body Removed From Lenin's Tomb
A Short Guide to the Vietnam War
A Short History of the Rwandan Genocide
A Short History of the Nazi Party
10 Facts About Adolf Hitler
The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
A History of Mengele's Gruesome Experiments on Twins
FDR's 'Day of Infamy' Speech
Most Influential Scientists of the 20th Century
Hitler's Political Statement Before His Suicide