Complete List of Henrik Ibsen Works

Portrait of Henrik Ibsen
DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI / Getty Images

Henrik Ibsen is one of the most famous and controversial writers in world literature. Born in Norway in 1828, his plays would eventually make him a household name.

Ibsen is a founder of the Modernist theater movement, a style of theater that focused on domestic interactions. The goal of realism was to create theater that resembled real life and had dialogue that sounded more natural.

Ibsen is best known for the play "A Doll's House," which deals with the limitations and harsh expectations of women at the time. As a whole, however, his plays broke new ground and earned him the nickname "The Father of Realism."

Henrik Ibsen List of Works

  • 1850 - "Catiline" ("Catilina")
  • 1850 - "The Burial Mound," also known as "The Warrior's Barrow" ("Kjæmpehøjen")
  • 1851 - "Norma" ("Norma")
  • 1853 - "St. John's Eve" ("Sancthansnatten")
  • 1854 - "Lady Inger of Ostrat" ("Fru Inger til Østeraad")
  • 1855 - "The Feast at Solhaug" ("Gildet paa Solhoug")
  • 1856 - "Olaf Liljekrans" ("Olaf Liljekrans")
  • 1857 - "The Vikings at Helgeland" ("Hærmændene paa Helgeland")
  • 1862 - "Love's Comedy" ("Kjærlighedens Komedie")
  • 1864 - "The Pretenders" ("Kongs-Emnerne")
  • 1865 - "Brand" ("Brand")
  • 1867 - "Peer Gynt" ("Peer Gynt")
  • 1869 - "The League of Youth" ("De unges Forbund")
  • 1873 - "Emperor and Galilean" ("Kejser og Galilæer")
  • 1877 - "Pillars of Society" ("Samfundets Støtter")
  • 1879 - "A Doll's House" ("Et Dukkehjem")
  • 1871 - "Poems" ("Digte"), a collection of poetry
  • 1881 - "Ghosts" ("Gengangere")
  • 1882 - "An Enemy of the People" ("En Folkefiende")
  • 1884 - "The Wild Duck" ("Vildanden")
  • 1886 - "Rosmersholm" ("Rosmersholm")
  • 1888 - "The Lady from the Sea" ("Fruen fra Havet")
  • 1890 - "Hedda Gabler" ("Hedda Gabler")
  • 1892 - "The Master Builder" ("Bygmester Solness")
  • 1896 - "John Gabriel Borkman" ("John Gabriel Borkman")
  • 1899 - "When We Dead Awaken" ("Når vi døde vaagner")
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Your Citation
Lombardi, Esther. "Complete List of Henrik Ibsen Works." ThoughtCo, Jun. 25, 2024, Lombardi, Esther. (2024, June 25). Complete List of Henrik Ibsen Works. Retrieved from Lombardi, Esther. "Complete List of Henrik Ibsen Works." ThoughtCo. (accessed March 19, 2025).