Pan seared mahi mahi served on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes, olives, and limes

The Spruce Eats

Raw, Macrobiotic & Organic Recipes

Health and good flavor combine in our selection of macrobiotic, raw and organic recipes.
Oven-Roasted Pattypan Squash
Oven-Roasted Pattypan Squash With Shallots and Herbs
San Francisco Farmers Market
10 Farmers Market Shopping Tips
Roasted duck
Crisp Roasted Duck With Orange, Ginger and Pomegranate Glaze
Broccoli stir fry
Sautéed Broccoli Recipe With Tomato and Garlic
Mushroom Barley Soup
Mushroom Barley Soup
Sesame Tahini Halvah
Tahini Halvah
Quinoa, millet and vegetables
Millet and Vegetable Soup Recipe
Marinated kale salad with lemon and garlic
Raw Lemon Garlic Marinated Kale Salad
Pitcher of milk and raw almonds
Raw Organic Coconut Almond Milk
Bowl of Millet
Basic Millet Pilaf Recipe
Cauliflower and broccoli soup
Cauliflower and Vegetable Soup
Make Kombu Shiitake Dashi (Stock)
Make Kombu Shiitake Dashi (Stock)
Salad ingredients
Macrobiotic Pressed Salad Recipe
Chai spices on wooden table
Chai Spice Blend
Creamy Dairy-Free Potato, Leek, and Celery Root Soup
Mushroom soup
Maitake Mushroom Soup Recipe
Sauteeing mushrooms in a pan on a gas stove with a wooden spoon
Quick Sautéed Wild Mushrooms
Apple cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar Fire Tonic Recipe
Grilled shrimp kebabs with lime
Honey, Ginger, Lime, and Rum Glazed Shrimp Recipe
Cooking Quinoa
Basic Steamed Quinoa Recipe
Pan-seared turkey breast
Pan-Seared Turkey Breast With Lemon and Herbs
Steel oats with apples
Recipes for Nourishing the Liver
Pan-Seared Mahi-Mahi With Lime Marinade
Pan-Seared Mahi-Mahi With Lime Marinade
Sauteed fillet of fish
Pan Seared Halibut With Red Wine Reduction Sauce
What Is Pastured Pork?
Baked fish with tahini sauce
Baked Fish With Tahini Sauce
Homemade Agave Lemonade
Homemade Agave Lemonade
Cucumber, Tomato, and Basil Salad in a bowl
Cucumber, Tomato, and Basil Salad
What Are Turnips?
Kamut Wheat
What Is Kamut?
Assortment of produce
The Meaning of Farm-to-Table
Apple Kiwi Superpower Green Smoothie
Apple Kiwi Superpower Green Smoothie
Chick peas that have sprouted
How to Sprout Chickpeas
Free Range chickens
What Is Free-Range Chicken?
Watermelon smoothie
Watermelon Smoothie With Ginger and Lime
Antioxidant Berry Banana Smoothie
Antioxidant Berry Banana Smoothie
Pineapple detox tonic in glass
Pineapple, Coconut Water, Lime and Mint Detox Tonic
Cocoa smoothie hero
Cacao Almond Bliss Smoothie
Lemon blueberry ricotta pancakes
Quick Breakfasts for Busy Mornings
Mixed Vegetable Soup
Mixed Vegetable Soup
Cauliflower Soup
Creamy Vegan Cauliflower and Dill Soup
Raw vegan yogurt
Raw Vegan Yogurt Recipe
Homemade corned beef recipe
Homemade Corned Beef Recipe
Sweet potato soup
Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Soup
tomato leek soup
Tomato, Basil, and Leek Soup
chocolate chia seed pudding
Chocolate Chia Pudding
Spanish Almond Cake
Walnut Cream
gluten-free almond pie crust
Gluten-Free Almond Pie or Tart Crust