Running in your 50s is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and stay strong. Since running is tough on your muscles and joints, it can also lead to injury if you don't adapt your training routine to suit your body's evolving needs. Learning to start and keep running well into your 50s and beyond can keep you safe.
While some naysayers may argue that running in your 50s isn't healthy or safe, the sport remains popular with this age group. In fact, masters runners (those over a certain age, usually 40) are the fastest-growing age group in the sport.
In a study looking at participants in the New York City Marathon between 1980 and 2009, the percentage of masters runners significantly increased while the number of finishers under age 40 decreased.
Whether you're new to running or a veteran runner entering a new age group, there are ways to make your running program enjoyable and effective in your 50s.
Check With Your Doctor
If you're new to running or you've had a lengthy break from the sport, check with your healthcare provider to ensure you are healthy enough for vigorous activity.
Know Your Limits
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Before you start running in your 50s, it is important to understand some of the basic physical effects of aging. Physical fitness typically peaks in your 20s and 30s. Even the most elite athletes begin to experience declines in performance once they hit their 40s.
As you age, several changes may occur, including:
- Cardiovascular endurance starts to decline
- Muscle fibers begin to shrink in size and number
- Strength, coordination, and balance decrease
Becoming less active as you age contributes to many of the declines in fitness and performance. Your individual aging experience depends on factors such as your lifestyle, diet, gender, genetics, and activity levels. But this doesn't mean that working out harder or ramping up the frequency of your workouts is the solution.
Older adults are more prone to experiencing overuse injuries, such as pulled muscles, knee strains, and overtraining syndrome.
Successfully introducing a running routine in your 50s means training properly and working smarter rather than harder.
Increase Your Effort Gradually
For any runner, it is important to be cautious about increasing the time and intensity of workouts. Sudden, dramatic jumps in speed or distance often lead to injury or soreness that keeps you sidelined.
Starting slowly is important, and as an older runner, you'll need to take it easier than you might have when you were younger.
Follow the 10% rule to prevent injuries: Avoid adding more than 10% in running intensity or distance each week.
For example, to kick off your running program, start with a 20-minute workout. Begin with a 5- to 10-minute warmup, then try running for 30-second intervals followed by 2 minutes of walking.
Going slow and building your fitness incrementally ensures you improve your fitness and strength while minimizing your risk of injury.
Ease Expectations
If you started running when you were younger, it can be tough to admit that you’re slowing down with age. Unfortunately, however, it’s a fact of life. Let go of those expectations and avoid comparing your older self with your younger self.
Consider age-graded results, which allow you to compare your race times to the standard for your age and gender. As we age, we lose muscle strength and aerobic capacity and need more recovery time. So we usually can’t train and race at the same level.
But while you may not beat the personal records you set in your 20s and 30s, that doesn’t mean you can't set goals to help motivate you and give you a serious sense of accomplishment.
One study found that while performance in elite athletes starts to decline around age 35, recreational runners do not begin declining until around age 50.
Adjust Your Goals
Whether training for a marathon or simply trying to get into the running habit set training goals appropriate for your age and current fitness level.
If you are just getting started with running, your weekly training schedule might look something like this:
- Day 1: 20-minute strength training
- Day 2: 20-minute easy run
- Day 3: Rest day
- Day 4: 30-minute cross-training activity
- Day 5: 30-minute interval run
- Day 6: Rest day
- Day 7: 45-minute slow-paced jog
Adjust your expectations, pick realistic goals, and be proud you're an active, committed runner.
Recover Properly
While you may have been able to run every day in your younger years, as you age, you'll probably find you don’t bounce back as quickly as you once did.
Listen to your body and don’t force runs if you’re not feeling fully recovered. You may feel better running every other day rather than every day.
Days off from running don't have to be complete rest days. You can do cross-training activities such as cycling, swimming, yoga, or any other activity you enjoy.
Add Strength Training
Strength training is beneficial for runners of any age, but its benefits are even more significant for older runners.
People naturally lose muscle mass as they age. Regular strength training can help you avoid this decline.
Improved muscle strength helps your muscles absorb more of the impact while running, easing the stress on your joints. Simple leg and core exercises such as squats, planks, pushups, and lunges can make a big difference in running performance and injury prevention.
Improve Your Balance
Improving your balance helps while running in your 50s, but is also necessary for everyone. If you have solid balance, you're less likely to fall and more able to regain your balance if you start to tumble.
You can improve your balance by standing on one leg (and alternating legs) for 30 seconds. Or try basic yoga balance moves such as tree pose, eagle pose, or king dancer pose.
Practice Flexibility
As you age, you may notice your legs, back, hips, and shoulders feel stiffer than when you were younger, especially when you first wake up or have been sitting for a long period.
Everyone's muscles and tendons lose some elasticity with time. But you can maintain or even improve your flexibility if you work on it.
Regular stretching and yoga, especially after runs, can help you become more flexible.
Do a proper warmup before running, especially if you're racing or doing a challenging workout. Start with a 5- to 10-minute walk or easy jog, followed by dynamic stretching.
Dynamic stretches are active movements of muscles, moving you through a range of motion without bouncing. Dynamic stretches are different than static stretches, in which you hold a stretch in a static position. Examples of dynamic stretching would be arm circles, heel raises, or lunges.
Prevent Injury
Be proactive in your approach to injury prevention. If you feel the onset of an injury, be proactive. Don't ignore warning signs like soreness or inflammation.
As you age, you may need to take new injury-prevention steps, such as regular massages, foam rolling, and added rest days.
Invest in Good Running Shoes
One of the best things you can do to minimize injuries is to buy running shoes that are right for your body—arch support running shoes for those with high arches, for instance. Visit a specialty running store and talk to an expert about the shoes that will work best for your fit, stride, and physical needs, such as running shoes for beginners.
Take Time to Recover
If you do get injured, be patient. As we age, it does take longer to recover from injuries. One study found older runners are more likely to experience issues with hamstrings, calf muscles, and Achilles tendons than younger runners.
The authors suggest this might be because normal wear and tear takes longer to repair in older adults than in younger adults. This may indicate that older runners should allow themselves more time to recover following a workout.
Don't rush back to running too quickly, as you may find yourself out for even longer than necessary. Listen to your body, take a break from running, and see a doctor if you have injury-related pain that lasts more than 10 days.