Brett Sears, PT
Physical Therapy, Orthopedics, Back and Neck PainEducation
New York Medical College, West Virginia UniversityHighlights
- Physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy
- Owner of a private practice specializing in outpatient orthopedics with a focus on low back pain and neck pain rehabilitation
- Community educator on low back pain, running injuries, and balance disorders
Physical therapy is a profession where patient education is paramount. I hope to provide readers with important information to attain and maintain healthy lifestyles and to understand how the physical therapy profession can help people move better and feel better.
Brett Sears, PT, Certified MDT is the owner and senior therapist at Capital Region Physical Therapy, a private physical therapy clinic in upstate New York. He has over 20 years experience in orthopedic and hospital based physical therapy.
Brett has worked in many different physical therapy settings. He has extensive experience in outpatient orthopedic therapy and has also worked in hospital based acute care and rehabilitation settings. In addition, he has served as the physical therapy supervisor in a large suburban hospital organization prior to opening his own physical therapy clinic. Currently, he specializes in outpatient orthopedics with a focus on low back and neck pain rehabilitation.
Brett also serves as an educator in his community, giving lectures about low back pain, running injuries, and balance disorders to local organizations. He runs a sub 4 hour marathon and coaches youth soccer in his hometown.
Brett has a Master of Science degree in physical therapy from New York Medical College. There, he served as class co-president and on the Graduate Student Advisory Committee. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in exercise physiology from West Virginia University.
Brett holds a post graduate certification in the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT). Practitioners certified in MDT are considered experts in the conservative management of low back and neck disorders.
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