How Much Does a Vasectomy Cost?

Costs can vary, depending on insurance and other factors

Getting a vasectomy in the United States costs about $1,000 on average. Private insurance companies may cover the cost of a vasectomy, but it is not an essential health benefit under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

As a permanent form of birth control, a vasectomy is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It can be a cost-effective method of birth control for many people over the long term.

This article discusses the cost of a vasectomy. It also explains the procedure, its effectiveness, and other factors to consider before getting a vasectomy.

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How Effective Is a Vasectomy?

vasectomy (male sterilization) is a permanent birth control method. In the United States, over 500,000 vasectomies are done each year. However, in some parts of the world, the number of people having a vasectomy has dropped significantly since the mid-2000s. One study from the United Kingdom found that the number of vasectomies performed in 2015-2016 was 62.21% lower than it had been a decade earlier.

The failure rate for vasectomy is very low. Rates of pregnancy six months after a vasectomy are between 0.04% and 0.08%. The rate can be higher (0.3% to 9%) in under six months. A vasectomy is more than 99.9% effective in preventing pregnancy once a semen analysis shows that sperm is no longer present in a person’s semen.

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that can be done in an outpatient setting (meaning you do not have to be admitted to the hospital). The cost of a vasectomy is less than the cost of tubal ligation (female sterilization).

Before you seek a vasectomy, ask your provider about any laws or rules that apply in your state. In some places, there are age restrictions, waiting periods, required counseling, or spousal consent that must be considered before a vasectomy can be done. 

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Vasectomy

The cost of vasectomy will typically cover:

  • Initial consultation
  • The vasectomy procedure itself
  • Anesthesia (local or general)
  • Follow-up semen analyses

Most healthcare providers or clinics will include all of these costs in one price. Others may charge for each individual service. You’ll want to clarify the cost breakdown with your provider.

A semen analysis can be done at home or in the provider’s office to be analyzed for sperm. While doing it at home might be more convenient, you’ll usually have to pay to mail your sample to a lab. 

In most cases, the cost is the same for both types of vasectomy procedures: the no-scalpel vasectomy (sometimes called keyhole) versus a traditional vasectomy.

Vasectomy costs may differ depending on where the procedure is performed. A vasectomy is usually done by a board-certified urologist in a healthcare provider’s office, a clinic (including at Planned Parenthood), or an outpatient surgical facility or hospital.

Your vasectomy may cost more if it takes place in an outpatient medical building because they may charge a separate facility fee. Side effects or complications can also add to the cost of a vasectomy.

Vasectomy Cost vs. Yearly Costs for Other Birth Control

If you’re sure that you want long-term protection against pregnancy, you’ll want to weigh the cost of a vasectomy against the potential costs of not having one. That means looking at how much you’d have to spend on other birth control methods. 

For example, a lifetime supply of condoms may or may not cost more than a vasectomy—it depends on your preferences and how often you use them. Birth control options like the pill are usually purchased monthly and can be costly if they’re not covered by insurance. 

The average cost of a vasectomy in the U.S. is $1,000 (according to Medicare). The widely available, traditional scalpel procedure is the least expensive, which can range from a few hundred dollars up to around $1200. The procedure can also cost up to several thousand dollars for less invasive, more sophisticated techniques. Here’s an example of how much different types of birth control could cost a year if you have to pay for them out of pocket compared to the cost of a vasectomy.

The average annual cost of different forms of birth control:

Birth Control Yearly Cost Comparison
Type of Birth Control Annual Average Cost
External condoms $52 (+ $75 for spermicide)
Internal condoms $531
Contraceptive pills, prescription $1,200
Contraceptive pills, over-the-counter $340
Patches $1,800
Vaginal ring $2,000
IUD $200
Implant $320

When you’re comparing the cost of a vasectomy with other birth control methods, you’ll also want to factor in the potential costs of handling an unplanned pregnancy (which could include the costs of abortion, raising a child, or adoption fees).

Does Insurance Cover Vasectomies?

Most private health insurance companies will cover vasectomy costs when they are done as an outpatient procedure. Check with your insurance provider first to make sure that they include vasectomy benefits in your plan. 

Usually, health insurance companies will cover most or all of your vasectomy cost after your yearly deductible has been met. If you qualify, Medicaid or other state programs in your area may also cover the cost of a vasectomy.

Some providers or clinics may offer a sliding scale fee if you do not have a health insurance plan. In this case, the cost of a vasectomy will be based on your income level.

Make sure you ask about the payment options your provider accepts. You can ask if they can offer you a discount on your vasectomy if you pay in cash or if you could set up a payment plan instead of paying the full cost upfront. 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) does not require health insurance plans to cover the cost of vasectomy, as is the case with many forms of birth control. Each health plan will have its own coverage and deductible for the procedure.

How Much Are Vasectomy Reversals?

Another question to ask yourself is whether you are sure that you want to undergo permanent sterilization. A vasectomy reversal is possible if you change your mind, but it’s expensive and does not always work.

The cost to reverse a vasectomy is between $5,000 and $15,000. In addition, most health insurance companies will not cover the procedure.

It’s also important to know that the success rate varies greatly when a reversal is done to restore fertility and achieve pregnancy.

In general, the more time that passes between a vasectomy and a reversal procedure and the higher the age of the partner who could become pregnant, the lower the chance of achieving pregnancy.


A vasectomy is an effective form of long-term contraception. The cost of vasectomy in the U.S. is anywhere from $0 if it’s covered by insurance to over $1,000 if you have to pay out of pocket.

Consider the upfront cost of a vasectomy compared to how much you’d have to spend on other forms of birth control in your lifetime if you want to continuously protect against pregnancy. 

You should also consider the cost of reversing a vasectomy (which does not always work) if you change your mind. 

Your provider can help you decide if a vasectomy is the right procedure for you. If you have a partner who would also need to take on the costs of birth control to prevent pregnancy, talk to them about the cost comparison.

13 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Dawn Stacey

By Dawn Stacey, PhD, LMHC
Dawn Stacey, PhD, LMHC, is a published author, college professor, and mental health consultant with over 15 years of counseling experience.