Why Your Hands Swell When Walking

Simple tips to reduce and prevent swelling

Man walking outside

Verywell / Ryan Kelly

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Many people experience swollen fingers or hands when walking, running, or other physical activities. It can be a confusing and frustrating symptom—even if it subsides shortly after your exercise session.

Research investigating the causes of hand swelling during moderate exercise is lacking. Still, some suspect arm motion, metabolic changes, or heat-related issues may play a role.

However, there is substantial research on elite endurance athletes (such as marathon runners) and changes in their bodies during prolonged or intense exercise under adverse conditions. These athletes may experience puffiness or swelling caused by acute conditions.

Fingers and hand swelling do not usually occur during your daily dog walk or a quick hike. However, it is possible to gain a few clues about the causes of hand and finger swelling from research. Read more below to learn why hand swelling occurs and how to prevent it.

Arm Motion and Swelling

Research suggests that about one in four people will experience finger or hand swelling when walking. That 2011 study also indicated that women are more than twice as likely to report hand swelling after exercise. However, this limited study only investigated hand swelling while walking a dog.

This study was conducted on post-ambulatory hand swelling, also called "big hand syndrome," with the authors noting the issue has been "totally ignored by the scientific literature."

The authors did not investigate the causes of hand swelling when walking in their research but pointed to another study about arm motion during walking. It indicated that arm motion could force excess fluid into the hands through centrifugal force.

Unfortunately, a deep dive into that research, published in 2009, reveals no mention of centrifugal force, hand swelling, or related terms. The study investigated the metabolic cost of different arm swing patterns during walking. It did not address swelling or fluid changes in hands or any other body part.

Can centrifugal force from arm swinging play a role in post-walk puffy fingers? Perhaps. Many walkers employ a full arm swing, and some of those people experience puffy fingers.

It's also not uncommon to notice that placing your hands in your pockets or elevating them for a few minutes can alleviate puffiness. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that simple forces of gravity can cause fluids to pool in your fingers.

You shouldn't assume that you need to adjust your arm swing. A bilateral arm swing (the swing most walkers employ) is not improper but normal.

Metabolic Changes and Swelling

Authors of the 2011 study mention another potential cause of hand swelling during walking: exercise-altered metabolic rates. Walking and running increase your metabolic rate—even when your body mechanics are efficient.

Endurance exercise (like walking or running) increases blood flow to meet the body's increased demands for oxygen. You'll notice that your heart beats faster, and you start to breathe more deeply when walking or running.

During exercise, your working muscles demand more oxygen, so blood flow is directed away from the extremities (like fingers and toes) to the muscles that need it—such as your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings.

When blood flow is directed away from your hands and fingers, they get colder. As a result, the blood vessels in your hands may start to open wider, causing them to swell, especially if you are exercising in cold weather.

Heat and Swelling

If a cooling effect has the potential to cause hand swelling when walking, you might imagine that exercising in heat would cause the opposite effect. But that's not always the case. There are a few evidence-based reasons that exercising in the heat may also cause your fingers to get puffy.

Fluid Imbalance

Research has shown that when you do dynamic exercise in a hot environment, skin blood flow and circulation are compromised and body temperature regulation suffers, even during light exercise. Vasodilation—or the opening of blood vessels—helps cool the body via perspiration.

Depending on your fluid intake and your body's ability to cool itself, you may experience a fluid imbalance. This can lead to swelling (excess fluid in the skin and tissues).


Walking or running in the heat may also cause other complications. Hyponatremia (an electrolyte imbalance) may lead to puffiness and bloating. It can also cause lightheadedness, fatigue, headache, vomiting, agitation, coma, and even death in severe cases.

Exercise-associated hyponatremia is when the body develops a low blood sodium concentration during or immediately following physical activity. The condition is usually caused by overzealous fluid intake.

Hyponatremia develops when you ingest too many hypotonic fluids compared to sweat, urine, and other body fluid losses. Hypotonic fluids contain a higher concentration of salt and sugar than the human body.

Hyponatremia may occur when combined with other factors, such as sodium loss from sweat, reduced sodium intake, and the rapid absorption of fluids from the gastrointestinal tract. Hyponatremia is more likely to occur in women than in men.

Many studies investigating the condition evaluate ultra-endurance athletes, such as marathoners, long-distance cyclists, and Ironman triathletes. These athletes often sweat excessively for hours in high heat, may experience gastrointestinal changes, and consume large amounts of water and sports drinks during long races.

Researchers have reported cases of hyponatremia during or after other activities such as walking or yoga, but far less often. Is it possible that hyponatremia causes your hands to swell when walking or jogging in moderate temperatures? Yes, if your exercise session was long, occurred in hot weather, and you consumed excessive fluids. Your healthcare provider can provide a personalized diagnosis.

How to Prevent Finger and Hand Swelling

If swollen hands and fingers are causing you discomfort or concern, try these strategies to eliminate or reduce the problem.

Promote Better Blood Flow

Remove rings and loosen wristbands before walking. If you have a lot of finger swelling, rings can restrict blood flow and become uncomfortably tight. Leave them safely at home or wear a flexible silicone ring—choose a breathable style to accommodate swelling fingers.

Also, loosen your wristwatch or fitness tracker strap while exercising. If your band needs to be tight to detect your heart rate, wear it higher on your wrist or forearm rather than at the narrowest part of your wrist.

Balance Your Water Intake

Drink according to thirst when you exercise. Carry fluids with you—especially if you exercise in high heat or for an extended period. You will likely need to consume fluids such as water or a sports drink after the first hour when walking and sweating.

You can also weigh yourself before, during, and after your walk to determine your sweat rate to determine whether you are drinking too much or too little. If you consume the right amount of fluids, your weight should remain the same. For endurance walks, use a calculator to estimate fluid needs.

Exercise in Cooler Weather

Swollen hands are more common in hotter weather, so choosing the coolest part of the day for a walk or run may help to reduce puffiness in your hands and fingers. If you exercise indoors, turn up the treadmill fan if you have one.

Move Your Hands and Fingers

Promote healthy circulation in your hands during your walks by carrying a stick and moving it from hand to hand while you walk. This will increase the use of the muscles in your hands and arms, improving blood flow. Or, bring a small object to grip lightly as you walk, such as a rubber ball, map, or flashlight.

Reach your arms overhead every few minutes or bend your arms so your hands are lifted instead of hanging at your sides. Stretch all your fingers for a few seconds and then make a fist. Repeat this several times.

We've tried, tested, and reviewed the best walking poles. If you're in the market for walking poles, explore which option may be best for you.

A Word From Verywell

Keep in mind that these solutions might not wholly prevent swollen hands, as the condition is common for some walkers and runners. Other conditions cause hand swelling, such as medications or certain health conditions.

If the puffiness becomes problematic or does not go away after exercise, speak to a healthcare provider to get personalized advice.

9 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Ravaglia FF, Leite MG, Bracellos TF, Cliquet A Jr. Postambulatory hand swelling (big hand syndrome): Prevalence, demographics, and association with dog walkingISRN Rheumatol. 2011. doi:10.5402/2011/659695

  2. Collins SH, Adamczyk PG, Kuo AD. Dynamic arm swinging in human walking. Proc Biol Sci. 2009;276(1673):3679-88. doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.0664

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  6. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Medline Plus. Fluid imbalance.

  7. Hew-Butler T, Loi V, Pani A, Rosner MH. Exercise-associated hyponatremia: 2017 updateFront Med (Lausanne). 2017;4:21. doi:10.3389/fmed.2017.00021

  8. Nichols AW. Heat-related illness in sports and exerciseCurr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2014;7(4):355–365. doi:10.1007/s12178-014-9240-0

  9. Rowlands DS, Bonetti DL, Hopkins WG. Unilateral fluid absorption and effects on peak power after ingestion of commercially available hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic sports drinksInt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2011;21(6):480-491. doi:10.1123/ijsnem.21.6.480

Wendy Bumgardner

By Wendy Bumgardner
Wendy Bumgardner is a Verywell Fit writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.