Home Design & Decorating Feng Shui

How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui

This important area is the portal for energy flow into your home

Feng shui is an ancient traditional Chinese practice that concerns the flow of energy in a person's life. The front door in feng shui is considered the mouth or main portal through which energy enters and leaves a person's home. Feng shui aims to maintain balance or harmony with how energy flows around you, influencing your life, family, and opportunities.

Feng shui front door colors have practical, aesthetic, and potentially energetic implications. Your front door color sets the tone for you and your visitors entering your home, representing the face you show to the world. Just like you want your guests to feel welcome when they enter through your front door, you also want opportunities to be attracted to you.

Pick Your Perfect Front Door With Feng Shui

The Spruce / Bailey Mariner

Your Front Door Color and Feng Shui

feng shui practitioner looks at your home's colors and facing direction to assess how the qi (life force energy) flows to your property. These factors offer information on how the qi is received inside the building. 

  • North-facing home: To activate the energy of your north-facing home, you can enhance the water or metal elements in your home's north sector. Water is related to the color black and dark charcoal gray. Metal element colors are white and gray, and metallics like bronze and copper.
  • West-facing home: A west-facing home is enhanced by metal or earth element colors. Metal element colors are white, gray, and metallics, and yellow, brown, and earthy tones are all expressions of earth. 
  • South-facing home: The South is connected to fire, the summer season, fame, reputation, passion, illumination, and inspiration. It is related to red, purple, fiery orange, and yellow. 
  • East-facing home: Work with water or wood element colors to support the East direction. Wood is related to greens, mid-tone blues, and teals. Water is connected to black, dark charcoal gray, and deep navy blue. Mirrors embody the water element.

One easy way to feng shui your front door is with paint. Look at things from a feng shui perspective based on your home's facing direction and work with the colors you are attracted to. Also, pay attention to what colors will work well with the door's style, the house's exterior, and your neighborhood.

Red to Get Noticed

Red is the most auspicious color in feng shui and a powerful color for protection and the transformation of negative energy. Red is also connected to the fire element, representing warmth, passion, and inspiration.

Make your front door visible from the street so that energy and opportunities can find you with a coat of red paint. In the feng shui energy map, red is related to the recognition area. Red makes a bold statement, a great color to get noticed.

If a red door doesn’t work with your home, you can bring in red elements with door decor such as red flowers, wreaths, and other front porch accessories.

feng shui pink door color southwest
Arthur Tilley / Getty Images

Black to Attract Good Energy

Black absorbs, attracts, and brings in positive energy, making it a great front door color choice. It’s connected to the water element, which represents wisdom and depth.

The north direction is also tied to this element. Water is also connected to your social connections and network, so black can be a supportive color for building friendships and relationships.

feng shui door black color north
David Papazian / Getty Images

Brown for Support

In feng shui, brown and other earthy neutral colors are connected to the earth element and used to balance, stabilize, and nurture the inhabitants in the home. A brown door is perfect for connecting you and your family to the stability of Mother Earth.

Feng shui East door
moodboard / Getty Images

Yellow to Brighten 

Yellow doors bring bright energy to the home. In feng shui, yellow is connected to the earth element, representing stability and grounding. Yellow is an excellent choice if you or your family could use more balance in your home.

Residential Front Yellow Door. Old colonial house with porch, in North America

FOTOGRAFIA INC. / Getty Images

Green for Growth

Green is connected to the wood element in feng shui, related to new beginnings and growth. If you intend to invite in new opportunities to help you grow and expand, you may want to paint your door green.

Close up view of green door with brass knocker.

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White for Joy

Connected to the metal element in feng shui, white represents cleanliness and purity. The west direction is also tied to this element. The metal element is related to precision, communication, and joy. Try painting your front door white to invite more of these metal element qualities into your life.

Feng shui white door
SondraP / Getty Images

Blue for Knowledge

Like green, blue also represents the wood element, which supports growth and new beginnings. Deeper shades of blue are also connected to the "gen" area of the feng shui bagua map. Gen represents knowledge and self-cultivation, so dark blue can help support an intention to deepen your skillfulness.

feng shui door color Southeast

Nico Tondini / Getty Images

Gray for Helpful People

Gray also represents the metal element, so it is a supportive color for inviting more metal element qualities into your life. In addition, it's the color associated with the "qian" area of the feng shui bagua. Qian is all about helping people and travel, so a gray front door can support your intention to invite helpful people and benefactors into your life or to travel more.

Gray front door on a house

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Purple for Spirituality and Abundance

Purple is considered a fire element, incorporating red and blue. It's a more harmonious or peaceful tone than pure red, which can read volatile. It attracts attention and energy, bringing potential abundance and enlightenment.

Purple activates the head chakra, strengthening your intuition, bringing wisdom, and connecting you to your spiritual side. Purple is a good color for a door if you want wealth or good fortune.

A purple front door

Javier Marquez / Stocksy

Maintain Good Energy

After you've chosen a color for your front door, make sure you use it. Many people don't use their formal front doors. It's essential to activate energy flow by opening and walking through them regularly. Even if it's not the entrance you use most often, try going out your front door when you go out to get the mail, for example. 

Finally, don't forget to keep your freshly painted door clean. Part of having an inviting entryway is having a clean entry. When cleaning your home, take some time to wash your front door, including the hinges, knobs, and frame.

  • What is the best color for a door, according to feng shui principles?

    Feng shui is based on Taoism, a Chinese philosophy, and since red is the most auspicious color in Chinese culture, it is the most favored color for a door in feng shui. It represents good luck, protection, and the fire element. Fire is related to exciting energy, such as passion, inspiration, and expression.

  • What front door color is lucky in feng shui?

    The front door color that is lucky in feng shui is red. Red is thought to be the most auspicious shade, adding protection to the home.

  • What door color in feng shui attracts wealth to your home ?

    Fire element red may be the most promising for attracting all good things. However, purple is also associated with wealth and royalty and can attract abundance and luxury into your life. Like red, purple is also associated with fire, attracting attention and change.

  • What colors should you avoid when painting your front door?

    Avoid painting your front door any color that clashes with the qi of your home. This would be based on the direction your front door faces. For example, if you have a north-facing front door, skip greens, browns, yellows, red, purple, orange, and deep pink as a paint color.