A bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary where you lie down at the end of the day and let your worries drift away. Instead, many times your bedroom can quickly turn into a dusty, cluttered storage area where you dare not let anyone enter.
Among the many benefits of keeping your bedroom clean is removing dust mites, mold, and pet dander, all of which improve your sleep, reduce allergens, and boost your general well-being.
Learn how to clean your room fast with this step-by-step tutorial on decluttering and getting your bedroom in great shape in 15 minutes.
How Often to Clean a Bedroom
The more frequently you clean your bedroom, the less likely it is that you'll have to do a big, top-to-bottom deep cleaning during your free time on the weekend.
To keep your bedroom feeling neat, tidy, and relaxing, do your best to get in the habit of cleaning it at least every other day—even every day if you can manage.
Here's a quick checklist to help remind you of the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks you can do to keep your room clean.
- Make your bed.
- Clear off bedside tables.
- Pick up items off the floor.
- Open curtains and a window for fresh air.
- Put dirty clothes in the hamper.
- Hang and store clean clothes.
- Change your sheets.
- Water plants.
- Dust surfaces and light fixtures.
- Wipe down surfaces, including bedside tables.
- Remove trash from the bin.
- Vacuum or sweep the floor.
- Wash all bedding, including your mattress covers.
- Do a deeper decluttering including your closet and dresser.
- Do a deeper floor cleaning, including mopping floors or shampooing carpets.
- Dust and clean out-of-the-way areas such as doors, baseboards, ceiling fans, ceilings, and lampshades.
- Clean the inside and outside of your trash bin.
Tips for Staying on Task
Whether you're focusing on daily or monthly tasks, it's easy to get distracted. Stay on task using these ideas:
- Turn on music or listen to a favorite podcast.
- Turn off or mute your phone.
- Put on a timer.
- Open the blinds to let light in and raise your energy.
- Plan a fun activity to reward yourself after you finish cleaning the room.
- Start with the task that takes the longest.
What You'll Need
Equipment / Tools
- A basket, bag, or box to put clutter
- Vacuum cleaner
- Hamper
- Trash can or trash bag
How to Clean a Bedroom in 15 Minutes
The Spruce / Michelle Becker
Put Dirty Clothing in a Hamper
Grab all of the dirty clothes and place them in the hamper. Since time is of the essence with this quick clean, don't worry about unrolling socks, and pulling shirts right side out. These tasks are easier to do while sorting the laundry.
Collect Clean Clothes and Refold or Re-Hang
Pick up any clean clothes and refold them or re-hang them in your closet. If you have a significant amount of clean clothing lying around waiting to be folded and hung, skip this step and place the clean clothing semi-neatly on your bed after you make it.
Throw Out Any Trash
This is not the time to determine if you're ready to trash old copies of magazines, or that pair of shoes you've needed to be repaired for two years.
We're throwing away obvious trash like tissues and paper, not sorting through boxes and closets. Save the major trash sweep for when you have more time.
The Spruce / Michelle Becker
Make the Bed
Yes, we know there is a major debate about whether or not to make the bed—after all, you're just going to get back into it in a few hours.
However, making the bed changes the look of a room and makes a space feel more inviting and look less cluttered. It's a small task that will make a big difference.
Pick Up Misplaced Items
Put any random items that don't belong in your bedroom into a basket, box, or bag. Don't try to take them back to their respective spots around your home one at a time—just put them all in one location for now and move on.
Straighten Surfaces
If it's been a long time since you have cleaned your bedroom, you may have a large accumulation of stuff that belongs in your room but is not in the proper place.
Take a brief survey of this "stuff." If in a minute or less, you can put it all away, do so. If not, place it all in a container so that you can organize it later.
Mop, Sweep, or Vacuum
Don't move furniture to sweep or vacuum. Just do a quick run-through of your space to collect any obvious dust or debris. If you have a few minutes left over, grab the basket of stuff from the step above and place the items in it in their proper areas.
The Spruce / Michelle Becker
Put Away Your Supplies
As you put away your cleaning supplies, allow yourself to reflect on how much nicer it is to have a clean room. If you keep up this regime in your room, you'll always be able to find your bed. And isn't that what we all want?
Tips to Keep the Bedroom Clean Longer
- Remove clutter as soon as you see it. Clutter usually builds up when items do not have a place to be stored. Make sure all your items have a "home." If it doesn't, make space for it, discard it, or donate it.
- Dust or sweep daily. Five minutes with a pass of a broom or duster will stop dust and debris from accumulating.
- Keep drawers, closet doors, and hamper tops closed.
- Wipe down smudges and fingerprints on windows, mirrors, doorknobs, and high-touch surfaces.
- Empty the trash bin.
- Do the laundry on a schedule.
Why do I struggle to clean my room?
It may be a struggle to clean any room if it feels overwhelming or you don't know where to start. Start by doing one small task, like emptying the trash bin, hanging up one item of clothing, or making your bed, which can motivate you to keep going.
What are the most important tasks to prioritize when cleaning my room?
Clutter control and doing laundry are two of the most important tasks to prioritize when cleaning a bedroom. Once you get in the habit of doing these two things consistently, you will do them automatically.
How long should it take to clean my room?
Here's a general guideline for how long it should take you to clean your bedroom. Take up to 15 minutes daily, 30 to 45 minutes weekly, and one to two hours monthly to deep clean a bedroom.
How can I clean my child's room quickly?
Tackle these priorities when cleaning a child's room fast: pick up and store toys and clothes, vacuum, and make the bed. Have your child help so they can learn cleaning skills.