Richard N. Fogoros, MD

Richard N. Fogoros, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Cardiologist (Retired), Consultant




Duke University, Ohio State University


The best health insurance is a good understanding of your medical conditions and the options available to you. This site will help empower you to become a well-informed and active partner—instead of a passive 'recipient' of healthcare—in managing your own health.

— Richard N. Fogoros, MD


Richard N. Fogoros, MD, FACC, is a retired professor of medicine and board-certified internal medicine physician and cardiologist, who practiced and taught clinical cardiology and general internal medicine for over 20 years, and also directed cardiac electrophysiology at the University of Pittsburgh and Allegheny General Hospital. He is a former writer for and member of Verywell Health's Medical Expert Board.

He currently works as a consultant with biomedical companies, and as a writer. Dr. Fogoros practiced and taught clinical cardiology for 20 years and has authored numerous scientific articles, book chapters, and books. His patents relate mainly to the use of biosensors in detecting and monitoring cardiovascular disease.

Since 1990, "Fogoros’ Electrophysiologic Testing" (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 6th ed., 2017) has been a standard introductory textbook for trainees in cardiac electrophysiology. He also wrote "Antiarrhythmic Drugs: A Practical Guide."

In addition to covering heart disease here, Dr. Fogoros also writes the Secret Cardiology page on Facebook, where he discusses things your cardiologist would rather not talk about.


Dr. Fogoros received his bachelor's degree from Duke University (1971), and his doctorate in medicine from Ohio State University (1975). He did postgraduate medical training at the University of Pittsburgh and Stanford University, and has received board certification in Internal Medicine, Clinical Cardiology, and Clinical Electrophysiology.

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