What Does It Mean to Be an Optimist?

Plus, how a positive outlook shapes your life and health

Happy woman smiling in the sunshine

Tim Robberts / Getty Images

Some people seem naturally inclined to see the glass half full. In other words, they're optimists! Optimism is defined as a mental attitude characterized by hope and confidence in success and a positive future.

Optimists tend to view hardships as learning experiences or temporary setbacks. Even the most miserable day holds the promise for them that "tomorrow will probably be better."

Optimists expect good things to happen, whereas pessimists instead predict unfavorable outcomes. Optimistic attitudes are linked to several benefits, including better coping skills, lower stress levels, better physical health, and higher persistence when pursuing goals.

Keep reading to learn more about why seeing the brighter side of things can actually lead to more positive events in your life. Also explore how this optimistic outlook can help reduce stress and improve your overall health and well-being.

Signs of Optimism

Does it ever seem like things are *actually* going to be OK? Even when it seems like you're barely dodging all of life's curveballs, you still kinda believe that something good can come out of it? If that's the case, then congrats, you're probably a bit of an optimist. Some other tell-tale signs:

  • You genuinely believe that good things are coming. It's not toxic positivity...it's just a feeling.
  • Even when things are going sideways, you still expect them to work out (eventually).
  • You trust yourself to handle the challenges that life throws you (in other words, you're resilient).
  • You feel that the future looks bright.
  • You think that you can learn things, even from the worst situations. Tough times? They build character.
  • You see setbacks, challenges, and obstacles as plot twists. It's not the end of the story; it's just one more opportunity to learn.
  • You feel gratitude for the good things in your life, no matter how big or small.
  • You are always looking for ways to make the most of opportunities.
  • You have a positive attitude about yourself and others.
  • You accept responsibility for mistakes but don't dwell on them. When you mess up, you own it.
  • You don't let one bad experience muddy your expectations for the future. You know that a bad day doesn't mean a bad life.

An example of optimism is believing there will always be opportunities to improve things tomorrow, even if you are experiencing challenges today. Even if today was a disaster, you know that tomorrow is another chance to make things great.

Are You an Optimist or Pessimist?

Take our fast and free quiz to find out if you are more of an optimist or pessimist.

What Makes Someone an Optimist?

So, why do some people seem to radiate good vibes while others are ready to rain on anyone's parade? Researchers aren't 100% sure of the exact causes of optimism, but several factors likely play a role. Genetics, upbringing, culture, and other environmental influences can influence optimism.

According to twin studies, genetics account for around 25% of optimism. Another study found that age is an important determinant, with optimism increasing through young adulthood, leveling off between ages 55 and 70, and declining in older adulthood.

Research has also shown that optimism and pessimism are influenced by neurophysiology. Optimistic attitudes are associated with activity in the brain's left hemisphere, while pessimistic characteristics are connected to activity in the right hemisphere.

But it doesn't all depend on biology or genetics. Your environment and experiences also play a role. How you were raised, the culture you grew up in, and your own life experiences (both good and bad) can impact whether you are more of an optimist or pessimist.

Explanatory Styles

Many factors influence optimism, but whether you tend to be more of an optimist or more of a pessimist can often be explained by how you explain the events of your life.

Explanatory style or attributional style refers to how people explain the events of their lives. There are three facets of how people can explain a situation. This can influence whether they lean toward being optimists or pessimists:

  • Stable vs. unstable: Can time change things, or do things stay the same regardless of time?
  • Global vs. local: Is a situation a reflection of just one part of your life, or your life as a whole?
  • Internal vs. external: Do you feel events are caused by you or by an outside force?

Realists see things relatively clearly, but most of us aren’t realists. Instead, we tend to attribute the events in our lives either optimistically or pessimistically.

Optimist Explanatory Style

Optimists explain positive events as having happened because of their own actions or characteristics (internal). They also see them as evidence that more positive things will happen in the future (stable) and in other areas of their lives (global).

Conversely, they see negative events as not being their fault (external). They also see them as being flukes (isolated) that have nothing to do with other areas of their lives or future events (local).

For example, if an optimist lands a promotion, they'll believe that it was because of their hard work. They'll also believe that it means that more big opportunities will be coming their way. But if they miss out on a promotion, they're more likely to chalk it up to having a bad month with a lot of extenuating circumstances. They don't see it as a sign of failure and know that they can do better in the future.

Pessimist Explanatory Style

Pessimists think in the opposite way. They believe that negative events are caused by their own mistakes or traits (internal). They believe that one mistake means more will come (stable), and mistakes in other areas of life are inevitable (global) because they are the cause.

They see positive events as flukes (local) that are caused by things outside their control (external) and probably won’t happen again (unstable).

A pessimist would see a promotion as a lucky event that probably won’t happen again, and may even worry that they’ll now be under more scrutiny. Being passed over for a promotion would probably be explained as not being skilled enough. They would, therefore, expect to be passed over again.

  • Attribute positive events to internal causes

  • Attribute negative events to external causes

  • Believe that good things will happen in the future

  • Tend to view bad things as mistakes or random flukes

  • Attribute positive events to external causes

  • Attribute negative events to internal causes

  • Believe that bad things will happen in the future

  • Tend to see good things as mistakes or flukes

How to Practice Optimism

Understandably, if you’re an optimist, this bodes well for your future. Negative events are more likely to roll off of your back, while positive events affirm your belief in yourself, your ability to make good things happen now and in the future, and in the goodness of life.

Research suggests that genetics determine about 25% of your optimism levels and environmental variables out of your control—such as your socioeconomic status—also play an important role. But this doesn't mean that you can't actively improve your attitude.

While you might tend to have either an optimistic or pessimistic explanatory style, there are things that you can do the help cultivate a more optimistic attitude. These include:

  • Become more mindful: Mindfulness focuses on being engaged, attentive, and present in the here and now. It can be a helpful technique to help you focus on what matters in the present and avoid worrying about future events and things outside your control. Living fully in the moment makes you much less likely to ruminate over negative past experiences or worry about upcoming events. This makes you feel more appreciative of what you have now and less consumed with regrets and anxieties.
  • Practice gratitude: Gratitude can be defined as an appreciation for what is important in life. One study found that participants assigned to write in a gratitude journal showed increased optimism and resilience. If you are trying to develop a more optimistic attitude, set aside a few minutes each day to jot down some of the things you are grateful for.
  • Write down your positive emotions: Research has shown that something as simple as writing down positive thoughts can help improve your optimism. One study found that expressive writing focused on positive emotions was linked to decreased mental distress and enhanced mental well-being.

It is also possible to develop learned optimism. Pessimists can essentially learn to be optimists by thinking about their reactions to adversity in a new way and consciously challenge negative self-talk.

Cognitive Restructuring

Using a practice called cognitive restructuring, you can help yourself and others become more optimistic by consciously challenging negative, self-limiting thinking and replacing it with more optimistic thought patterns.

The process of cognitive restructuring involves a few different steps:

  1. Identify the situations that are triggering negative thoughts or moods.
  2. Assess how you are feeling in the moment.
  3. Identify the negative thoughts that you are having in response to the situation.
  4. Look at the evidence to either support or refute your negative thoughts.
  5. Focus on the objective facts, and replace automatic negative thoughts with more positive, realistic ones.

How Optimism Can Improve Your Life

Optimism is important because it can have such a significant impact on your mental and physical well-being. Research has shown that an optimistic worldview carries certain advantages, such as better health, greater achievement, less stress, and greater longevity.

Better Health

Studies regularly show that optimists are more likely to maintain better physical health than pessimists, including a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and greater survival rates when fighting cancer. Pessimism is also associated with higher rates of infectious disease, poor health, and earlier mortality.

Greater Achievement

Psychologist Martin Seligman, the founding father of positive psychology, analyzed sports teams and found that the more optimistic teams created more positive synergy and performed better than the pessimistic ones.

Another older study showed that pessimistic swimmers who were led to believe they’d done worse than they had were prone to future poor performance. Optimistic swimmers didn’t have this vulnerability.


Optimists don't give up as easily as pessimists, and they are more likely to achieve success because of it. People with optimistic attitudes are more likely to continue working toward their goals, even in the face of obstacles, challenges, and setbacks.

Such persistence ultimately means that they are more likely to accomplish their goals.

Emotional Health

Research suggests that cognitive therapy (which involves reframing a person's thought processes) can be as effective or more effective than antidepressant medications in the treatment of clinical depression.

Such improvements also tend to be long-lasting, suggesting that they are more than a temporary fix. People with this optimism training appear to be better able to handle future setbacks effectively.

Increased Longevity

Research has shown that optimism is associated with greater longevity. More specifically, having an optimistic outlook is linked to a lifespan that is 11 to 15% longer.

Less Stress

Optimists also tend to experience less stress than pessimists or realists. Because they believe in themselves and their abilities, they expect good things to happen. They see negative events as minor setbacks to be easily overcome and view positive events as evidence of further good things to come. Believing in themselves, they also take more risks and create more positive events in their lives.

Optimists tend to be more proactive when it comes to stress management. They tend to favor approaches that reduce or eliminate stressors and their emotional consequences. Because optimists work harder at stress management, they are less stressed.

Can Optimism Ever Have Downsides?

Optimism is generally a positive characteristic that confers a number of physical and mental health benefits. But this does not mean that is doesn't have a few potential pitfalls. Some ways that optimism can be detrimental include:

  • Optimism bias: Sometimes excessive optimism can lead people to overestimate the likelihood that they can experience good things while avoiding bad things. The optimism bias suggests that people often underestimate their risk of experiencing negative outcomes. This can sometimes lead people to engage in risky behaviors that actually increase their chances of having a bad outcome.
  • Poor risk assessment: When people are overly optimistic about something, they may be less likely to think about all of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate those issues. This can ultimately make it more likely that their efforts might fail, or at least run into major problems along the way.
  • Toxic positivity: Sometimes people tend to overvalue positive feelings while ignoring or even repressing negative ones. It can also cause people to invalidate the emotional experiences of people who are going through difficult times.

Optimists can avoid some of these pitfalls by focusing on maintaining a healthy, realistic approach to positivity. Rather than focusing only on "staying positive" and ignoring other emotions, the goal should be to try to look on the bright side while still acknowledging the difficulties of the situation.

11 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Elizabeth Scott, MS

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD
Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.