Got a boss who clocks your every move? Or maybe you have one who’s cool, calm, and collected, leaving you to your own devices. Everyone approaches leadership in their own way or perhaps a way that they’ve been instructed to lead. Like our personality, our leadership style holds a lot of weight in the way we inspire and motivate the people who look to us for guidance.
The Leadership Style Quiz
Researchers have put together a framework for all the styles so we can identify and understand the leaders in our lives and how their style influences the people who work for them. If you’re curious about your leadership style or that of someone you know, take this quiz.
Who This Leadership Quiz Is For
This quiz is meant for anyone who is interested in finding out what their leadership style is and how their approach jives with their team. They might also be curious to identify the leadership style of a manager or authority figure in their life and how they can use that knowledge to better understand their behaviors.
Because not all people are the same or have the same approach to work, figuring out your or your boss's leadership style—and explaining that style—can help ease workplace tensions and create a more compassionate and empathetic workspace
About This Quiz
This quiz is based on the four basic leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, delegative, and transformational. These leadership styles were established through research led by psychologist Kurt Lewin.
The initial three styles he encountered (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership) paved the way for more defined leadership theories into what we know today as the four basic ones above.
What’s the Best Leadership Style?
In general, the transformational leadership style is known to be most effective in a business sense. Emotionally intelligent and driven, transformational leaders help their organization achieve its goals while still inspiring their team to reach their full potential.
At the same time, different situations and end goals may call for different leadership styles, and no one leadership style is better than the others.
Can I Have More Than One Leadership Style?
Yes! In fact, most leaders will find that a combination of multiple leadership styles is the most influential approach. A good leader will adapt to the needs of their team members, the situation at hand, and the goals of the organization or group.