Where would cooking be without the lemon? We so take for granted the vibrantly coloured fruit sitting in the fruit bowl or the refrigerator probably without ever considering the importance and excitement it brings to our food. Where would our food be without the fragrant tang of the lemon.
The lemon is also healthy (adding a massive dose of Vitamin C to dishes) and is one of the most versatile fruits in the kitchen. Not only can it be used as an ingredient in our cooking, but it is also a natural cleanser both for the body (internally) and on countertops, appliances, sinks, pots and pans. What more can you ask for one simple fruit?
6 Recipes Using Lemons - Savory
GMVozd / Getty Images Lemons in savory food bring a punch of flavor to any dish and when used judiciously, will lift and heighten the taste of almost any dish and also helps, almost as a side issue, to round out any grease or fattiness. In many dishes, a little lemon may be indiscernible but still adding to the whole dimension of the dish.
3 Savory Recipes Where Lemon Plays the Starring Role
- Lemon Roast Chicken Recipe
- Sea Bass with Lemon Potatoes Recipe
- Lemon Pepper Chicken
3 Savory Recipes with Lemon in a Supporting Role
- Devil's Chicken
- Classic Hollandaise Sauce
- Roasted Asparagus
9 Recipes Using Lemons - Sweet and Drinks
The Spruce / Elaine Lemon
When lemons meet cakes, puddings and desserts and any other sweet dishes, the marriage between sugar and the lemon shows the success of this pairing. The flash of bitterness from the lemons balances so well with the sweetness to creates dishes packed with sharp flavor yet pleasing to even the sweetest tooth.
2 Sweet Lemon Tart Recipes
2 Sweet Lemon Cake Recipes
2 Sweet Lemon Pudding Recipes
3 Lemon Drink Recipes
Why Lemons Are Good for You
GrenouilleFilms / E+ / Getty Images
Serving size:
1 medium (58 grams / 2.1 ounces)Total Fat 0.3 grams Saturated fat 0 grams Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 grams Monounsaturated fat 0 grams
Cholesterol 0 milligrams Sodium 2 milligrams Potassium 138 milligramsTotal Carbohydrate 9 grams Dietary fiber 2.8 grams Sugar 2.5 grams
Protein 1.1 grams Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 88% Calcium2% Iron3% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-65% Vitamin B-120% Magnesium 2%Nutritional Data Values Provided by LIve Strong