What to Know
- Open an image in Photoshop. Select Image > Image Size. Enter a new width, and then select Pixels > OK.
- Choose File > Save for Web and Devices. Choose the 2-Up tab to see the original and optimized images side by side.
- Change the Quality value and view the results. Make adjustments to the size or file type if needed. Select Save and name the new image.
This article explains how to use Photoshop's Save for Web tool to optimize images for use on the web. This information applies to Photoshop 20.0.10 and later. Commands and menu options may differ between versions.
How to Save for Web in Photoshop
Graphic designers, web designers, and others who create content for the web, also create web-ready images such as photos for websites and banner ads. Before uploading these images, they optimize the images to download and display quickly in a web browser.
Here's how to use the Save for Web tool in Photoshop to get the right balance of image quality and file size for your images.
Open the image you want to save in Photoshop.
Select Image > Image Size. Or, for PC, press Alt+Ctrl+I, for macOS, press Command+Option+I on the keyboard.
In the Width field, enter a new width, select Pixels, then select OK.
Resize the photo to a small size that can be used on a website.
Select File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Or, use the keyboard shortcut: Alt/Option+Command+Shift+S.
In other versions of Photoshop, the path is File > Export > Save for Web. The item may be called Save for Web or Save for Web and Devices.
In the Save for Web window, go to the Original, Optimized, 2-Up, and 4-Up tabs. These tabs switch between a view of the original photo, the optimized photo with the Save for Web settings applied to it, or a comparison of two or four versions of the photo.
Choose 2-Up to compare the original photo with the optimized photo. This shows side-by-side copies of the image.
Change the Quality value. As you lower the quality, the image looks muddier, and the file size goes down. Smaller files mean faster-loading web pages.
Find a happy medium between file size and quality. A quality between 40 and 60 is a good range. Use the preset quality levels (JPEG Medium, for example) to save time.
Change the file type, if needed, to JPEG, GIF, PNG-8, PNG-24, or WBMP.
Change the size of the image, if needed. Enter a width or height, or scale it by a percentage.
Click the chain link icon to change the proportion of the image. Otherwise, enter a different width or height to change the other value in proportion.
The values below the image preview display the file type, size, and how long the image will take to open on a website. These numbers update as you make changes.
When you're satisfied with the photo, select Save.
Type a name for the photo, then click Save.
What Makes a Graphic Web-Ready?
Most web-ready graphics share common characteristics:
- Resolution is 72 dpi.
- Color mode is RGB.
- Files are reduced in size for faster-loading web pages.