How to Get Rid of Canker Sores

Canker sores are small mouth ulcers that usually form on the gums. Knowing how to get rid of canker sores with home remedies and over-the-counter treatments can limit pain and discomfort.

Also called aphthous ulcers, canker sores may clear up within a few days, but several treatments can speed up healing, including:

  • Mouth rinses, like a saltwater or hydrogen peroxide rinse
  • Natural products, such as honey
  • OTC medicines, like Benadryl or milk of magnesia

When such remedies aren't enough, a prescription canker treatment like tetracycline may be needed.

At-home and OTC canker sore remedies

Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

Symptoms and Causes

It's unclear what causes canker sores, but there are some common triggers, including:


Click Play to Learn About the Potential Causes of Canker Sores

This video has been medically reviewed by Brian T. Luong, DMD

Are Cankers Contagious?

Canker sores are not contagious. You can't catch them from someone else or give them to someone else.

The main symptom of a canker sore is pain. However, when they first start to erupt, you may feel just a tingling sensation.

Round or oval sores then appear with a raised border and a yellow, gray, or white center. Whenever something touches the sore, it can cause intense pain, which may make it hard to talk, eat, or drink.

Home Remedies for Cankers

Avoiding canker sore triggers is a good place to start. You can also try home remedies to reduce pain and help the sores heal.

How Long Do Canker Sores Last?

Canker sores usually heal on their own within four to 14 days.

Home remedies may reduce inflammation and bacteria, making the sores hurt less until they get better.

Salt Water and Baking Soda

Saline (salt water) and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can help cankers heal faster by reducing acid levels in your mouth.

This creates an environment that makes it harder for bacteria to grow, which can help the healing process. Saltwater rinses can also promote healthy gums. 

How to Make a Salt Water Rinse

Never put salt directly on an ulcer. Doing so will be very painful and won't help it heal.

Instead, make a saltwater solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Swish it in your mouth or gargle it for about 30 seconds, then spit it out. It may sting at first.

How to Make a Baking Soda Paste

Mix a little baking soda with a small amount of water until it thickens. Put the paste on your canker sore(s). Repeat as often as needed while your mouth heals.

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that can help keep your sore free of bacteria, which will help it heal.

How to Make a Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part water. Dab the solution on your canker sore with a cotton swab.

If you're using a hydrogen peroxide solution to rinse your mouth, do not swallow it.


Studies have found that honey has healing properties, including for canker sores.

How to Use Honey

Applying honey to the sore several times daily can help reduce pain and decrease ulcer size and redness.

You can also use honey as a canker sore remedy by mixing it with a soothing tea such as chamomile and drinking several cups daily. 

Studies have found that chamomile is helpful by itself for healing sores in the mouth.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can help fight harmful bacteria in the body. These properties can promote gum health and help get rid of canker sores. 

How to Rinse With Coconut Oil

Daily swishing with about a tablespoon of coconut oil—a practice known as oil pulling—may help reduce bacteria in the mouth and aid the healing process.

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Another antibacterial household staple is apple cider vinegar. This can be used in a rinse to help heal your canker sores.

How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Mix 1 teaspoon of the vinegar into 1 cup of water. Swish the solution around your mouth for up to a minute. Then spit and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

An apple cider vinegar rinse may sting. Don't want to use the rinse more than once a day because vinegar is highly acidic and can damage tooth enamel.


While research has not shown sage to help canker sores specifically, it has been found effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, using a mouthwash made with sage might help soothe a canker sore.

Sage mouth rinses are available OTC and can also be made at home.

How to Make a Sage Mouth Rinse

Take about six sage leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried sage and boil in water, then drain so the sage is removed. Let cool. Swish in your mouth for around a minute, then spit out.


Ice can help ease pain by numbing the canker sore.

How to Use Ice

Chop large ice cubes into smaller pieces and hold them against the canker sore until it is numb. You can also try cold water or ice pops for relief.

OTC Canker Treatments

You can find several non-prescription treatments for canker sores in the dental care section of your supermarket or drugstore.

Oral Health Products

Various products are marketed to help heal and manage canker sores. These include the following types of medications:

  • Antiseptic mouth rinses contain ingredients like chlorhexidine (Canker-X) that help heal mouth sores by reducing the bacteria in your mouth.
  • Oral care products that numb painful areas in the mouth include ingredients such as benzocaine (Orajel) which relieves pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using OTC products. Do not use more than one OTC product at the same time or mix them with treatments that have been prescribed for you unless your pharmacist or provider says it's OK.

Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is a liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide. It is frequently used as an antacid and laxative to relieve constipation. Milk of magnesia can also help reduce canker sore pain by neutralizing acid and coating the ulcer.

The best way to put milk of magnesia into a canker is with a cotton swab. You can apply it three to four times a day. You may want to wear it after rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide.


Liquid Benadryl (diphenhydramine), an allergy medication, can also help reduce inflammation and encourage the healing of a canker sore. Benadryl is very useful for mouth ulcers caused by food allergies or sensitivities.

You can combine liquid Benadryl with milk of magnesia to make an oral rinse. Mix one part of each and rinse with the solution for one minute, then spit it out. Do not swallow it.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Mouthwash

Considered a holistic remedy, you can usually find this type of mouthwash at organic and holistic specialty stores.

Derived from licorice root, which is used in both Eastern and Western medicine to treat a variety of illnesses, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) refers to an extract that does not have glycyrrhizin, which is known to cause unwanted side effects in some licorice remedies.

Rinses made with DGL may offer some relief for canker sores, but no definitive studies have been done to prove this.

Can I Use Listerine or Other OTC Mouthwashes?

Using a mouthwash like Listerine that has alcohol in it can irritate sores or sensitive areas in your mouth. Instead, choose rinses that will reduce bacteria and ease pain associated with canker sores.


Another holistic remedy for canker sores is echinacea, an herbal remedy that seems to support a stronger immune system.

While research is limited, some studies show that taking echinacea tablets can reduce the frequency of canker sores and support quicker healing.

Prescription Treatments for Cankers

Prescription medication is sometimes necessary to treat persistent or infected canker sores.

One treatment your dentist can prescribe is tetracycline suspension (liquid). You must hold the medicine in your mouth for two to five minutes before swallowing it.

Tetracycline is usually not prescribed for children with canker sores because it can cause permanent discoloration in developing teeth.


Your dentist may prescribe corticosteroids like prednisone and dexamethasone for severe canker sores.

Dexamethasone suspension (liquid) can be used as an oral rinse that you hold in your mouth, and then spit out.

Gel treatments with fluocinonide may also be recommended.


In some instances, your healthcare provider may recommend cauterizing recurrent canker sores. This involves using a cautery, an instrument or chemical substance, that burns and destroys the tissue.

Additional topical solutions may need to be applied to the burned tissue to help with healing.

When to See a Dentist for a Canker Sore

You might need something else if you have a canker sore that does not improve with home remedies or OTC treatment.

It's important to be seen by a healthcare provider who can prescribe the right treatment. Call your dentist if you have the following:

  • A canker sore that lasts for 14 days or longer
  • A sore that is getting worse
  • A canker sore that grows in size or is unusually large
  • Frequent outbreaks of canker sores
  • Extreme pain that you cannot control
  • Sores on your lips
  • Fever


You can reduce canker sore pain and support healing with some OTC and at-home remedies like salt water rinses, honey, and oral health products.

If you have canker sores that hurt or return, it's time to see a healthcare provider. They can find out why you have cankers and prescribe the best treatment.

23 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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By Shawn Watson
Shawn Watson is an orthodontic dental assistant and writer with over 10 years of experience working in the field of dentistry.