Certain foods are known for their ability to reduce inflammation and promote better health. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are particularly effective. Almonds provide healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, while blueberries are packed with antioxidants that help protect cells from damage.
To reduce inflammation quickly, focus on an anti-inflammatory diet and avoid foods that worsen the condition. Sugary snacks, fried foods, and refined carbs can increase inflammation and should be minimized. Instead, opt for nutrient-rich options like olive oil, avocado, and cruciferous vegetables to support your body’s healing process.
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Almonds are a great source of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, vitamin E, and manganese. They’re also rich in magnesium and plant protein.
In research studies, eating almonds has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. They may improve the balance of fatty acids in your blood.
Almonds can also give you a "full" feeling. They’re a little higher in calories than many other anti-inflammatory foods, but eating a handful of them may help you stick with a healthy weight loss plan.
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The avocado is an anti-inflammatory food that is rich in heart-healthy fats. It's also a good source of magnesium, fiber, and potassium.
Half an avocado adds nicely to your daily intake of vitamins C, A, E, and B-complex vitamins. They're low in sodium and rich with polyphenols that work as antioxidants.
In addition to promoting heart health, avocados have been shown to improve memory and attention in older adults. They may also help protect against Alzheimer's disease.
Add avocado slices to a sandwich or salad, or whip up a healthy guacamole with onions, tomatoes, and fresh herbs.
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Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables. It's high in phytochemicals called glucosinolates. Phytochemicals are plant-based antioxidants.
Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and vitamin A, all while being low in calories.
Findings from one study showed that people who ate a diet high in cruciferous vegetables had a lower risk of some types of cancer.
It's easy to get more of this anti-inflammatory food into your diet because it's so versatile. Broil it, boil it, or eat it raw with a drizzle of olive oil.
Stan Dzugan / Getty Images
Blueberries are known for their rich polyphenol content. These plant-based chemicals, including flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and tannins, prevent and repair cell damage. They trigger antioxidant activity and may help to prevent cancer and heart disease.
Anthocyanins in blueberries may protect against diabetes, too. One study showed that blueberry and cranberry consumption was associated with significantly reduced fasting blood glucose. Fasting blood glucose measures blood sugar levels after a period of not eating and is a key indicator of diabetes risk.
This anti-inflammatory pick is also low in calories and adds vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber to your daily diet.
Alexander Spatari / Getty Images
Beta-carotene is one of the main reasons carrots made this list of anti-inflammatory foods.
A powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is essential for your health.
Carrots also contain zeaxanthin and lutein. A diet rich in these antioxidants may help reduce your risk of cancer by preventing damage to the healthy cells of your body.
Since carrots are low in calories and a good source of fiber, they can also help you lose weight if necessary. That's important because obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Dry Beans
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Dry beans, such as navy beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and black beans, are an excellent source of plant protein, minerals, B-complex vitamins, and vitamin K. They're also chock-full of fiber and antioxidants.
Research suggests that dry beans are an anti-inflammatory food that may prevent some types of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. They are widely considered a superfood.
Inadequate fiber intake is considered a risk factor for many chronic diseases, but most people don't get enough fiber in their diets. Dry beans are particularly beneficial because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which work together to support heart health and digestive function.
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Kale is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K. It's rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, and it contains fiber. On top of that, it's low in sodium and calories.
Kale contains glucosinolates that may help prevent cancer. Its lutein and zeaxanthin content may help lower your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
Lutein may also protect against atherosclerosis, a buildup of hard plaque in your blood vessels.
Olive Oil
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Olive oil is a key feature of the Mediterranean diet, which has been linked to heart health and longevity. It's rich in monounsaturated fats that are good for your blood vessels. It also has polyphenols that work to protect the cells in your body.
Olive oil helps to reduce inflammation. It lowers cholesterol, and its polyphenols may help prevent some cancers.
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C and potassium. They also contain fiber, calcium, and folate. The fiber and folate in oranges may help keep your heart healthy. Vitamin C is essential for immune system function. It also builds strong connective tissue and keeps blood vessels healthy.
Oranges and orange juice are excellent in an anti-inflammatory diet. Like grapefruits, oranges are high in a certain type of flavonoid called narirutin. As a type of polyphenol, these flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids—more than any other type of fish or seafood. Studies suggest people who eat more of these fatty acids may be less likely to develop dry eyes.
Salmon is a great source of an antioxidant called astaxanthin, which is known to boost the immune system and protect against neurodegenerative disease.
Salmon is also good for the heart because the healthy fats lower inflammation and keep cholesterol in check. The American Heart Association suggests eating fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, at least twice a week.
Anastasiia Krivenok / Getty Images
Spinach is another anti-inflammatory food and is one of the best-known superfoods. It contains lutein, which is related to vitamin A and beta-carotene.
Spinach also gives you iron, vitamin K, and folate. It is very low in calories, so it may help with weight loss.
Research shows that people who eat green, leafy vegetables like spinach may have less risk of macular degeneration. It's a good idea to add plenty of fresh or cooked spinach to your diet.
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Strawberries are low in calories and high in fiber. They contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function normally, including a lot of vitamin C.
Plant chemicals in strawberries boast potent anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Studies show adding more strawberries to your diet can help low blood pressure and elevate good cholesterol.
Sweet Potatoes
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Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. Like most orange-colored vegetables, they're high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant. Varieties with more purple flesh provide a boost in anthocyanins.
Sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of vitamins C and K, potassium, and B complex vitamins. They have plenty of fiber and aren't too high in calories.
Swiss Chard
Martin Hambleton / Getty Images
Swiss chard is a colorful, leafy green vegetable to add to your anti-inflammatory shopping list. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, K, and C as well as magnesium and potassium.
Swiss chard leaves contain fiber but are low in calories. Research shows this plant may have flavonoids that work as antioxidants to lower inflammation.
Debby Lewis-Harrison / Getty Images
Walnuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein, vitamin E, minerals, and phytochemicals called sterols. They contain monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. And, they are known to have anti-cancer and anti-diabetes effects.
Walnuts are energy-dense, so you may need to watch your portion size. Even though they are high in calories, a handful can help you feel full longer. In that way, they may actually help you to lose weight while they fight inflammation.
Carlo A / Getty Images
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects your body from damage caused by free radicals. This helps lower the risk of serious conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes by keeping your cells healthy.
Lycopene is the most widely studied cancer-fighting antioxidant in tomatoes, but it's not the only one. Tomatoes are also a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, ferulic acid, and dietary fiber, powerhouse nutrients that help prevent against cancer, fight inflammation, and enhance overall health.
Green Tea
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Green tea is rich in polyphenols that boost brain health and help protect against diseases like cancer and heart disease. Studies suggest that drinking green tea may lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for managing diabetes.
The main active compound in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has been linked to cancer prevention by slowing the growth of cancer cells and supporting overall immune health. Green tea is also known to support liver health, aid in weight management by boosting metabolism, and reduce inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis.
Grace Cary / Getty Images
Capsaicin, the active compound in red peppers (Capsicum annuum), is known for reducing inflammation, managing pain, and supporting digestive health by stimulating saliva and digestive enzymes.
Studies show that capsaicin can help lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar levels, and reduce high blood pressure. Red peppers also have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, protecting against infections and supporting overall immune health.
Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty Images
There are over 2,000 types of edible (safe to eat) mushrooms, each of which offer unique benefits. As a whole, mushrooms are packed with valuable nutrients, including important vitamins like B, C, D, and E, and minerals like potassium and magnesium. They are rich in compounds like beta-glucans and antioxidants, which boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect against cell damage.
Varieties like shiitake, oyster, and reishi mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for their ability to fight cancer, lower blood sugar, and support heart health. They also have properties that help protect against infections and support liver health.
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Grapes are packed with powerful compounds like antioxidants, flavonoids, and a polyphenol called resveratrol that helps protect cells from damage and fight inflammation. These nutrients support heart health, improve blood flow, and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
Resveratrol, found in grape skins, is especially beneficial for its heart-protective and brain-boosting properties. Flavonoids like quercetin and catechins enhance cardiovascular health, strengthen the immune system, and reduce inflammation.
krisanapong detraphiphat / Getty Images
Turmeric, a spice from the Curcuma longa plant, is packed with curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that supports overall health. It can help reduce pain, improve heart health, and manage conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s.
Turmeric also supports liver function by removing toxins and protecting cells from harmful free radicals. Curcumin by itself has poor bioavailability, meaning the body absorbs very little of it; however, combining it with black pepper can increase absorption by 2,000%, making it more effective.
Dark Chocolate and Cocoa
HUIZENG HU / Getty Images
Dark chocolate and cocoa are packed with flavonoids and antioxidants that protect the body from damage and reduce inflammation. They help lower harmful substances like malondialdehyde, which can damage cells, and boost nitric oxide, a natural chemical that relaxes blood vessels, improves blood flow, and supports heart health.
Research shows that eating dark chocolate or cocoa regularly can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. However, since dark chocolate is high in calories, it’s best to enjoy it in moderation.
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Cherries are nutrient-rich fruits loaded with compounds like polyphenols, carotenoids, and melatonin, which help reduce inflammation, ease muscle soreness, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep and mood. They may also support arthritis relief, diabetes management, and brain health.
Both sweet and tart cherries are beneficial, but sweet cherries are particularly rich in anthocyanins—potent anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce pain and swelling, and enhance muscle recovery.
What Foods Cause Inflammation?
When following an anti-inflammatory diet, remember that what you choose not to eat is just as important as the foods you include.
Inflammatory foods to avoid include:
- Fried foods, like french fries and donuts
- Refined carbohydrates like white flour, white bread, and pasta
- Sugary drinks like soda and sweet tea
- Red meat
- Processed meat, including deli meats, hot dogs, and sausages
- Fats like margarine and shortening
Of course, all things are best enjoyed in moderation. Strict diets that don’t allow any flexibility or occasional treats are notoriously difficult to stick with over the long term.
When choosing how to eat, aim for balance and be patient with yourself. Eating more anti-inflammatory foods can improve your overall health, but it’s okay to indulge once in a while. What matters most is being consistent and making healthy choices the majority of the time.
What you eat can help to reduce the inflammation in your body. Dark leafy greens, dried beans, and brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain plant-based nutrients that fight inflammation. So do healthy sources of fat such as avocados, nuts, olive oil, and salmon. Opting for these foods over inflammatory foods like red meat and sugary snacks can go a long way to protect your health and wellbeing.